Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts

sunny with strong chance of happy

when the forecast is for 80+ degree weather after many weekends of chilly winds, it's bound to be a good weekend. 

and a good weekend it was. see those two people up there, i love them so much. 
those are my beautiful parents and my rock. 
they took me, my husband and kids out to lunch to celebrate my birthday on saturday after church. 

sunday, was laid back. after oversleeping in, if there's such a thing, we had a late breakfast and went outside to enjoy the sunshine. 
it felt so good to have some vitamin D shining and warming our bones! 

we made up some cheap and quick game and surprisingly it was pretty fun. harder than it looks though!
even i got in on the action. so there's that. 

after some fun, and work around the house we headed down town for some delicious pizza. 
and as i currently type this little post up, i'm listening to meredith andrews worship music to end my day just the right way. 

what did you do this weekend? hope it was lovely and well rested. have a beautiful week friends!

ps. i'm officially on bloglovin'
what i found interesting was that my blog, although, i had not set up an account yet, was available for anyone to follow already. which also meant i was able to search for all the blogs i read now and add them to my reading list. sweet!!
i'm at

roadtripping it.

happy cheery monday folks! can you tell i'm trying my hardest to be positive about being monday?
having a great weekend helps out a lot on not really wanting to be back at work. but like a friend once said:
work hard, play harder, right?
yesterday, we decided to get the kiddos out of the house and treat them on a mini road trip to san antonio.
it was a beautiful day even though it looked like it was going to rain. i'll let some photos do the talking.
it's time for photo dump. you know you all love it.

the lively river walk. 

the menu says it's up for two people. but this thing was a monster! 
it some kind of brownie drowned in fudge lava. 
yes, i had some. don't judge. i'm back on track staying away from any chocolate-y, delicious things starting today.

i went to the bathroom with the boys and when i came back, this little lady had wrapped daddy around her little finger and ms. thang got some new earrings. not the kind in the bubble machine either. 
hope this isn't a sign for what's to come! i'm hiding my credit cards.

while we were there, we visited the Alamo. i love all the history and art around. 
so much culture to learn from! the kids of course thought the cannon sculptures were the most awesome thing. 

when we got back, we went to the movies and lucky for the kids, the earliest showing was in 3D.
not so lucky for the wallet nor my eyes. i got a headache from it. and am i the only one that prefers to watch movies at home on the couch? those seats are so uncomfortable! 

and after everything, daddy decided to get mommy a little something, something.
don't get too excited for me though. 

haha. our old one just stopped working. from one day to the next!
so a new iron for me. can't win the best mom award if i send my kids to school all wrinkled up you know?

how was your weekend. have a beautiful monday friends. i mean it. 

linking up with:

colorful weekend.

This weekend will involve a lot of color and a lot of voice.

1. this girl is in desperate need of a manicure. desperate need. my nails look like those of a nine year old boy.
2. many paintings need to be finished. i paint that way. will paint the background and will wait days, sometimes weeks to envision what will come next. i do need to get new paintbrushes though. mine are clinging by a hair. haha.
3. as with every weekend, i will stand behind the mic and lead worship. 'tis the most favorite of the whole weekend.
4. my bedroom needs a makeover. the husband indicates i picked the ugly wine color tha adorns our walls now. i purse my lips at that one. i vividly remember that being his choice. bird's egg blue seems to be the contender this time around.

wish me luck. all of this while still taking care of three kiddos and a home.

what does your weekend look like for you?

ps. thanks to all who linked up yesterday. i love, love, love reading where you are taking time to live happier and healthier mentally, physically and emotionally. :)

have a beautiful friday friends!

forever 21 but not really forever.

(sorry for the quality. phone pics usually look crappy)

there i stood with three contenders in front of me.
i hardly shop for myself because as much as i would like to call it retail therapy, it results in more frustration, which leads to real therapy and that results in me being broke. vicious circle.

after huffing and puffing to pull down the dresses below my hips and tummy, messing up my perfectly pinned bun, and struggling to pull them back off when i decided it was not the winner,
i ended up with the third one, the very one in the back, as it was the most stretchy, and figured with a good set of leggings that would hold it all in, i'd be good.

i hate shopping. because i have to try on the clothing and there lies the problem. standing in that little claustrophobic space with a full lenght unforgiving mirror, i am reminded of my body issues.
it's then that i make a thousand promises to eat nothing but veggies and workout insanely to look like i imagine in my head.
as soon as i get home though, and the ice cream in the freezer calls my name, i seem to forget. i don't accept reality well.
when i'm covered up in clothes, i don't feel the dimples or jiggless there, so i indulge.

i find myself doing this in other areas of my life as well. forgetting the reality and clinging on to this fantasy world. it's kinda crazy. maybe it's the dreamer in me. lessons that need to be learned.

it's a hard pill to swallow, reality is.

i may not ever have the same body i did when i was 21, but also when i was 21, i did not have the three little blessings i have today. motherhood and life itself takes a toll on our body and mind.
but just like with everything else, is part of aging and getting older. i just need to re-learn everyday, that my body is not here forever and i must treat it with care as i was wonderfully made.

what a relief to know things like this won't matter when we're in heaven!