Showing posts with label healthy you happy you thursday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy you happy you thursday. Show all posts

the healthy wagon. (healthy you, happy you

i'm not sure that i've talked about this before here, and if i have, it hasn't been more than a couple of times. otherwise i think i'd remember.
but i struggle a lot with my weight. no seriously. the fact that i'm tall does wonders for deceiving the eye. that and spanx. haha.
on a serious note though, i'm not happy with my body. please don't take this as an attempt for a pity party. far from it.
i know that the reason for my body issues is the neglecting of my health from who else? me.
i haven't cared about what i put in my mouth, haven't cared about exercising frequently, just haven't cared. and that is not acceptable.
this week friends, i am proud to say i am caring. a lot. starting monday i have not eaten anything unhealthy. i'm talking unhealthy like cake, cookies, fried foods, fast food. i'm sure a real nutrition guru would argue about my chicken noodle soup being too high in sodium or something like that. but it's about baby steps is it not?
so proudly i bring to you proof of my healthier approach in none other than pictures. mainly because graphs and all that jazz is too time consuming, duh.

has it been hard? yep. i came home one day to half of a burger my husband left out for me. i almost caved, but i was saved by the bacon in it. i don't eat pork, so i was like, phew!
but then, the next day a co-worker took some chocolate cake to work. dun,dun,dun.
i took my almond butter out, cut some apples, and had a guilt free snack. see! i can do it.
besides my waist getting trimmer, i am doing it for my health. it's not a good thing when a thirty one year old can't breathe sometimes because of the amount of extra weight in my tummy. no joke.
edit: this morning i woke up FAMISHED!!! i was totally craving bad carbs. like a potatoes with gravy or something. omg, my mouth just watered typing that. i ordered eggs with spinach, tomatoes, onions and jalapenos. :D
so here's to staying FINALLY on the healthy wagon. i'm kinda digging it.

ps. my muscles are crying. jillian michaels is one mean....lady.

have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!

tlc. {healthy you, happy you link up}


sickness has hit my home. not to worry, it's nothing major. just a stomach virus with what seems to be the beginning of the flu.
normally, this would mean a tired, sleep deprived momma and probably grumpy at that.
i am sleepy but that's never abnormal with me. i'm not a morning person, but far from being grumpy or feeling overwhelmed from caring for a sick child and another one that is beginning to feel sick, i feel cozy and fulfilled. even with not having time to pamper myself this week.
there's something that comes with motherhood that is unexplainable. sure i wish that my kids were not sick and that they were running around happily and alas, being noisy with screams and laughter; however, these moments that i can carry my child on my lap and cuddle him i feel fulfilled as a mother.
i know it sounds weird, but it's being able to nurture and care for  another human being, my child, that fills me with this warm fuzzy feeling.
sure i may be sleep deprived, a little tired, and worried for his recovery, but being a mommy and knowing he can count on me to care for him in his weakened state, makes me feel pretty darn important in his life. 

if you could, send a little prayer for my little guy, won't you please?
have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!

carrot + sweet potato soup {healthy you, happy you link up}

have i ever told you about my passion for food?
no? well there is passion. burning passion.
i love food. i like food photography the best of any other kind of photography.
if that doesn't profess my love for food, i don't know what does.
and part of that love is venturing out and trying different dishes that i normally wouldn't do on my own.
now, i'm not too adventurous if it involves exotic plates.
just adventurous enough to smash carrots and sweet potatoes into a soup.
i know. i'm so daring.
seriously though, this soup warmed me to the core. creamy and hearty. believe me when i say, one bowl was enough to fill me up. and i eat a lot. plus, it's healthy, which is what i really need to be focusing on.

1 lb. carrots
1 pound sweet potato
2 cups of chicken broth

cut sweet potato lenghtwise in half. place halves with flesh side down on a cookie sheet and with a fork, poke it a few times on unpeeled side. place in oven at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes.
peel carrots and place in boiling water with some salt.
when sweet potatoes and carrots are done, place in a bowl and mash it all up.
in batches, pour chicken broth and mash in blender and blend until smooth. pour batches into a pot. season with paprika and salt to your preference.

serve with croutons and/or dollop of sour cream.

have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!

humbled. {Healthy you, happy you link up}

i'm not a believer in coincidences. things are planned out for me by a loving God and I always awed at how He works.
friends, it's been stressful. the past days have just been long and cold, and silent.
Silence coming from me. For days I had not bowed my head in a heartful prayer, for days I have not opened up my Bible. and so my heart has been cold and silent.

last night, my husband and I got in a bit of a heated discussion and i was upset.
i'll spare you the details, but i was not happy and if i'm to be honest, i did not think very nice things.
i felt the Holy Spirit nudging at my heart, but what did I do? ignored it.
and went to bed.

this morning i woke up a little bit earlier than usual without my alarm clock.
my mom always says when that happens it's God calling me to spend time with Him.
my heart felt cold and still upset, so i got up.
i didn't really know where to start so i just bowed my head and prayed. prayed for everyone, and left my husband until the end with a pang of guilt.

it never ceases to amaze me the way God works. there in the silence, i opened my browser to, which i haven't gone to in months. months meaning about five or so.
there, in today's devotional God spoke to my heart.
Coincidence? Not even a hint of it.

I was reminded that I need to love above myself. I need to forgive like He's forgiven me, before the threads of my marriage begin to unravel. He knows our story, the deepness of it and in His grace and love, reminded me how far we've come and how mindful and careful I need to be.
Did I deserve that moment in the early morning hearing His voice? Not at all.
but in His amazing grace, He renewed my heart and awakened me once again.

have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!

message in a bath. {healthy you, happy you link up}

Can i just start by telling you, i hardly know what date or day it is anymore?
seriously. where is life off to in such a hurry?

the past few days, i've been intentional in being a great wife and mother. this translates into making sure the house is in tip top shape, making good use of the kitchen for warm comforting meals, and being there for the kids. like really being there.

this has gotten me in bed every night by 11:30ish. now, i know some of you super women, business owners, don't know how you do it all women, consider that time still early. i, however, desperately seek sleep by 10:00.

i knew yesterday that as soon as i got home, i wanted to do one thing, and one thing only. relax.

thank goodness for leftovers! i served the kids some and headed straight for the bathroom trying to shield my eyes from any mess.

as i was getting ready to step into my hot bath, the kids needed mommy...aaaand then they saw the bubbles in the tub.
so naturally they wanted to play. *sigh*
and so in they went. it couldn't have been realistic of me to take a bubble bath in the middle of the afternoon, right?

it wasn't long before daddy came home, and that bath still awaited me.
so around 8:00, momma ran the water and climbed into the hottest and most cozy bath of all times.
read a little, sipped on tea, and received a tiny message that this week i've been reading everywhere.
be fearless.

there is so much that we hold back on because of fear. fear of disappointment, of failure, of not being what we expect.
i know that's been my story.
i want to live fearlessly in knowing that i'll make mistakes, but i'll learn from them. knowing that i'll fail, but i can get back up again.
knowing that it may not be what i expect, but it will certainly be what the Lord has planned.

after about forty minutes, my bed beckoned.
renewed body and spirit equals one happy girl.

have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!

healthy you, happy you thursday {link - up}

you know how there are those friends that you lose touch with because life and other stuff happens, but when you connect again it's like if you've never lost touch? you can catch up over coffee and laugh or tear up over life's happenings.
running is like that for me. life happens,other priorities bury it, but when i make enough effort to meet and run, it's like we've never lost touch.

i cannot tell the pavement my story and expect for it to listen or give me advice, but it is a release like no other. music in my ears, the wind in my face, and knowing i'm doing my body good, is what this momma needed. the last ten minutes or so, my legs were crying though, no lie!
i've been placing the importance of staying fit on the backburner and the extra pounds, the very snug jeans, the lack of energy all show for it. my children and my husband deserve to have a woman in their lives that is healthy, happy and full of energy. i'm not sure why i forget that so often.

after a good forty five minutes or so to myself, i came back feeling more healthy, stronger, clear minded, and happier.
i wish i could say with more energy, but i was drained! i just laid on my back and let the fan cool me down for a good ten minutes, chugged some water and almost fell asleep. the energy and hunger for more miles will come after consistency.
chores and dinner called unfortunately. one day, i'll get a live in chef. one day.

running and i will be connecting more frequently now. there is a 5K sometime in the beginning of 2013 and i am thinking my name will be on that list.

have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!