humbled. {Healthy you, happy you link up}

i'm not a believer in coincidences. things are planned out for me by a loving God and I always awed at how He works.
friends, it's been stressful. the past days have just been long and cold, and silent.
Silence coming from me. For days I had not bowed my head in a heartful prayer, for days I have not opened up my Bible. and so my heart has been cold and silent.

last night, my husband and I got in a bit of a heated discussion and i was upset.
i'll spare you the details, but i was not happy and if i'm to be honest, i did not think very nice things.
i felt the Holy Spirit nudging at my heart, but what did I do? ignored it.
and went to bed.

this morning i woke up a little bit earlier than usual without my alarm clock.
my mom always says when that happens it's God calling me to spend time with Him.
my heart felt cold and still upset, so i got up.
i didn't really know where to start so i just bowed my head and prayed. prayed for everyone, and left my husband until the end with a pang of guilt.

it never ceases to amaze me the way God works. there in the silence, i opened my browser to, which i haven't gone to in months. months meaning about five or so.
there, in today's devotional God spoke to my heart.
Coincidence? Not even a hint of it.

I was reminded that I need to love above myself. I need to forgive like He's forgiven me, before the threads of my marriage begin to unravel. He knows our story, the deepness of it and in His grace and love, reminded me how far we've come and how mindful and careful I need to be.
Did I deserve that moment in the early morning hearing His voice? Not at all.
but in His amazing grace, He renewed my heart and awakened me once again.

have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!


Unknown said...

This was a good post for me to read today. I have had some tough arguments and discussions with my husband. I was getting worried that we were growing apart. Sometimes crazy thoughts pop into my head and I don't think they're from God. I love God's blessings, especially when we don't deserve it. Esther Norine Designs

Anonymous said...

I love devotionals, they always seem to speak to our situations no matter how long ago they were written.

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting. All the best and I'm sure you will find the strength to forgive x

Leah said...

I'm glad it spoke to you Esther (btw I love your name). I'm guilty of those thoughts, and when I'm not careful they spin out of control. Keep your marriage in prayer friend. Only good things can come from it. I need to work harder at remembering that myself. Hugs.

Leah said...

Yes, things have smoothed over already. Thank you for your encouragement!

Shannon Q. said...

Ohhh friend, I'm just catching up with blogging stuff (sorry I missed linking up this week) but I haven't honestly had any fueling activities for myself lately :/
While reading this I think I felt the same feelings you were feeling prior to your reading and again after you read. I can relate to both. I love, LOVE when we are so renewed and filled by Him!!!
I pray this new year is going to be the best yet for you, and your family!