healthy you, happy you thursday {link - up}

you know how there are those friends that you lose touch with because life and other stuff happens, but when you connect again it's like if you've never lost touch? you can catch up over coffee and laugh or tear up over life's happenings.
running is like that for me. life happens,other priorities bury it, but when i make enough effort to meet and run, it's like we've never lost touch.

i cannot tell the pavement my story and expect for it to listen or give me advice, but it is a release like no other. music in my ears, the wind in my face, and knowing i'm doing my body good, is what this momma needed. the last ten minutes or so, my legs were crying though, no lie!
i've been placing the importance of staying fit on the backburner and the extra pounds, the very snug jeans, the lack of energy all show for it. my children and my husband deserve to have a woman in their lives that is healthy, happy and full of energy. i'm not sure why i forget that so often.

after a good forty five minutes or so to myself, i came back feeling more healthy, stronger, clear minded, and happier.
i wish i could say with more energy, but i was drained! i just laid on my back and let the fan cool me down for a good ten minutes, chugged some water and almost fell asleep. the energy and hunger for more miles will come after consistency.
chores and dinner called unfortunately. one day, i'll get a live in chef. one day.

running and i will be connecting more frequently now. there is a 5K sometime in the beginning of 2013 and i am thinking my name will be on that list.

have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!


Shannon Q. said...

Soooo glad you got out there and got a run in. So good! Running is something I want to love but have not built up any kind of stamina, plus I blame it on having asthma...I'm hoping to get over it and knock down some miles in the next few weeks though :) Thank you again for including me in this first round of getting your link up started...I believe in what you're doing!

Unknown said...

I feel the same way after I start my exercise routine again. It's a wonderful feeling!
I'm a new follower from teh almost friday thursday blog hop. :)

Ali W. said...

I love this description of running! I have heard it described like that before- and it's always been something I wished I had. Right now, it's pretty much torture for me- but I want to be better!

Leah said...

I am too. I really needed it! my legs are paying for it today, but I really enjoyed it. thank you for being a part of it sweet friend!

Leah said...

I always kind of dread starting back up again because I fear my body won't take it, and it does rather well. I agree it is a great feeling, including the soreness.. it reminds me of a great workout the next day.
thank you for being here!

Leah said...

it was so much torture for me in the beginning. there are some runs that are like that, but the stamina builds up after a while. hang in there!

Unknown said...

I am reconnecting with running myself and working on portion control. It seems that my portions were way too big and I have the snug pants to prove it. I'm a new GFC follower from the almost friday hop! Esther Norine Designs

The Braided Bandit said...

This was such a beautiful post! I really loved the comparison of catching up with an old friend with picking up an old hobby o routine. Unfortunately for me, starting to run again is usually more like catching up with an old enemy- MAN are the first few times painful haha! I am attempting to do this with healthier eating though, because I just FEEL so much better when I am in a good eating routine instead of sugar and fast food! Maybe I'll go for a run tonight though because of you! Have a great day!
xo Hannah

Leah said...

Yes portion control is key, something I tend to put in the back of my mind! thank you for being here!

Leah said...

Thanks Bev, I'll be right over!

Leah said...

it's so true. sugar and fast food will steal your energy away, i know that by experience. let me know how your run goes! thank you for reading girl!

Christina Marie said...

My favorite form of therapy is running! Oh - and great girlfriends I haven't seen in a long while are always nice too :o)

Leah said...

yep, i read somewhere that said, running is cheaper than therapy. i totally agree!

Leah said...

me too jillian. it's such a stress releaser!

Gillian (@Gillian_Stephen) said...

Hi, glad that you are back running hope you get the chance to keep it up. I love how you expressed the need to be strong, healthy and energetic for both you and your family, I feel exactly the same and that's a great part of what continues to motivate me. Happy running!

Glad I connected with you from the Aloha blog hop.

Fitnessbuster Supporting you in getting your fitness and nutrition back on track

Unknown said...

LOve, love, love this celebration of HEALTH. Here's to you and yours.

The boys and I will be boarding a plane soon in search of holidays with loved ones and snow-- oh my goodness we may just freeze our little island toes off, but I wanted to stop by here first, to:

Thank you for being a sweet part of last week's An Aloha Affair.
And, to personally invite you to join us again today.
