message in a bath. {healthy you, happy you link up}

Can i just start by telling you, i hardly know what date or day it is anymore?
seriously. where is life off to in such a hurry?

the past few days, i've been intentional in being a great wife and mother. this translates into making sure the house is in tip top shape, making good use of the kitchen for warm comforting meals, and being there for the kids. like really being there.

this has gotten me in bed every night by 11:30ish. now, i know some of you super women, business owners, don't know how you do it all women, consider that time still early. i, however, desperately seek sleep by 10:00.

i knew yesterday that as soon as i got home, i wanted to do one thing, and one thing only. relax.

thank goodness for leftovers! i served the kids some and headed straight for the bathroom trying to shield my eyes from any mess.

as i was getting ready to step into my hot bath, the kids needed mommy...aaaand then they saw the bubbles in the tub.
so naturally they wanted to play. *sigh*
and so in they went. it couldn't have been realistic of me to take a bubble bath in the middle of the afternoon, right?

it wasn't long before daddy came home, and that bath still awaited me.
so around 8:00, momma ran the water and climbed into the hottest and most cozy bath of all times.
read a little, sipped on tea, and received a tiny message that this week i've been reading everywhere.
be fearless.

there is so much that we hold back on because of fear. fear of disappointment, of failure, of not being what we expect.
i know that's been my story.
i want to live fearlessly in knowing that i'll make mistakes, but i'll learn from them. knowing that i'll fail, but i can get back up again.
knowing that it may not be what i expect, but it will certainly be what the Lord has planned.

after about forty minutes, my bed beckoned.
renewed body and spirit equals one happy girl.

have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!


Unknown said...

that bath looks amazing!! stopping by from the hop and following! your blog is adorable :)

reeree7 said...

I'm in the same boat... I need to be more fearless! Definitely going to start working on this.

The Olive Tree Blog said...

that bath does look great! we have a huge tub and i never used i might need to try it out

Leah said...

Thank you Carissa! It was much needed!

Leah said...

Yes it will do great things for your life!

Leah said...

I hardly ever use it too because I hardly have time, but it was well worth it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you made me wish I was the one taking a bath.
You are such a great writer.

Anonymous said...

so funny how the kids hijacked your bubble bath - I could totally see mine doing the same thing. took r advice about taking time for myself today and it was nice! I'm all scrubbed and feeling pampered :) Definitely need to do it more :]

Becqui Nicholas said...

Fear is not an emotion we need to overwhelm us... That bath sure looks great..