Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

pool day.

it's been hot. i mean hawt. 
and would you believe me if i told you that we have not gone to a pool until yesterday? 
i know, i'm crazy. but we did in honor of it being the last day of july and all.
i've managed to pacify them with water limbo in the backyard, but since this year we did not renew our ymca membership and our neighborhood doesn't have a pool, we were kind of at a loss. 
lo and behold, there is a public pool really close to us and pleasantly clean.
wasn't too pleased i had to pay although i wasn't going to swim, but eh, i got to work on my tan, so not too much loss there. 
and any time i don't have to hear the 'mooooooommmmm, i'm boooooored' every ten minutes, i'm game.
this wildchild got whistled at more times than i can count. i know safety first, i totally agree. but can you blame the kid? he hadn't seen blue water in almost a year!
who's that chic with the suave, i'm so cool pose on the side of the pool? oh yes, that'd be my sidekick sistah.

how have you been cooling off this summer? 
oh yeah, and how is it august already?

be with those.

while perusing pinterest for carnival themed party ideas for my nephew, and for diy projects i probably will never have to time for, i came upon the above picture..and paused.
such a simple quote, yet so powerful, i think.

we all have things that make us, well us. quirks, habits, traits, that make us unique, that make us special, that make up our being. who we are truly inside.
even the little things we're afraid to let others see.
and with that, we all deal with insecurities on how we'll be perceived, how our dreams will be encouraged or not, by others.
which is why over the years it's become so important for me to know who my posse is if you will. at least here on earth. i know in heaven my jesus has my back.
but you know, it's those people who i know will be there for me in a heartbeat. those that look out for my best interest, and go beyond to strengthen me and encourage me. but also who tell me when i'm screwing up, to make me a better person. and most importantly who will pray for me.

i'm truly blessed to have my husband, parents, sisters, and my kids as those who help my being.
each of them in their own way make me a better person, even my kiddos at such little ages, they teach me so many things every day. the things they say, the things they do. crazy kiddos.

but yes, it's good to surround yourself with those kind of people and let go of friendships that are not good for the soul, distancing myself from those that have an ill intention. which is sad, but what can you do? rather, find those that push you forward and clap for you as you go.
and here in the blogworld, i'm so thankful for those of you who also help my being with prayers and encouraging words, even though we haven't officially met in person. receive a big ol virtual hug from me, okay? i really mean it.

so tell me, who helps your being?


i love having sisters. growing up i thought i could do without them. i mean they were a little annoying taking over my room, which was shared but me being the oldest it was technically mine. i mean really. and don't let me go into details about the time my baby sister going through my things oh so casually pulled out my report card in which were less than stellar grades.
oh sisters.

Operation surprise

Surprise parties are the best in my opinion. An unsuspecting person being celebrated by their close friends and family. Such was yesterday's party for my little sister.
Her hubby contacted my dad and invited us down to surprise her...three hours away. 
Seeing that she will only turn 28 once, oops dani, we didn't pass it up. She had no idea, and her reaction was pretty great. instavideo? You betcha.

let 'em make noise.

i sit here listening to my boys be loud past the comfortable decibels my ears can handle, but i restrain from getting up and shushing them. 
this weekend, it was just me and them. my husband and daughter went out of town to a christening, so it was very laid back but very noisy all the while. 
i like quiet, i like peace. but this noise they make, it reminds me i'm a mommy. it reminds me that my kids are healthy and are able to make noise whether welcomed completely or not.

summer days.

well hello there! taking a break from something always feels great doesn't it?
it's funny because the other day i thought, maybe i should start writing again but didn't really feel like it. didn't really have something to say and it's so freeing to know this being my outlet, i can come back when i really do have my full heart in it.
anyway. we're practically nearing the middle of summer already and here in texas we're almost nearing our fifth season: inferno.

red, white and blue.

happy 4th of july! 

i can hardly believe it's july already, before you know it we'll be facing fall.
but for today i hope you enjoy your time with your family, smell in the summer air and delicious cook outs, watch sparkles in the sky, and celebrate the freedom we have in this country. 
photos credit of my sweet little girl. 

have fun guys, stay safe and don't eat too much. unless it's delicious, then go ahead and indulge!

slow down love.

saturday morning, i was given a wake up call of sorts.
it started off rough, mainly with my boys. and not to beat a dead horse since i wrote a little about it yesterday. but there in front of my eyes, stood no longer a couple of toddlers that could be tickled back into a good mood, but boys who are growing rapidly and with a temper that i haven't seen before. especially my eleven year old. i can't believe i just typed that. he's eleven. going into middle school next year. and i'm freaking out.

just basically because today's generation no longer focuses on what life should be about. i see fifth graders with iphones, back talking to their parents, dating. yes dating. which i think leads to an unsatisfying way of life from growing up too fast. instead of enjoying their childhood laughing, running outside, playing hopscotch, and enjoying time with their parents.

it's cray. yes i did just type cray because it really is that crazy to me.
you know one can tell me i just need to adjust and go with it, and i may be wrong, but in this get it now, do it now type of world, i desperately want to just slow things down.

i want to hit the brakes without second thinking, get out of the car, and take in the sun, the air, the grass, the smell of fresh air. and i want my kids to do so as well.

i know i've been partly to blame, well a lot to blame for this type of outlook in them. i mean kids only do as parents do. and saturday i realized once i made a determination to take in the sweet moments instead of focusing on the sour morning, that there is  A LOT of deliciousness in life to enjoy when we slow down.
the giggles, the funny faces, the serendipity of how things work sometimes, the love that surrounds us all.
i've been one to want to tackle many things in a 24 hour window and being upset at not being able too finish my list or get upset at when things don't go my way. wanting everything now. like if the world owes me something.
....they...have started acting the same.

i had to sit down and look at my priorities and some things are going to need to be placed somewhere towards the bottom, some will need to go altogether.

this blog, this little space that i couldn't do without, will just be given less attention. i just can't give it up completely. it inspires me, encourages me. but i foresee myself not posting as often, possibly not posts this long.
 i foresee more photos. capturing those moments that i would otherwise miss. and i guess that will be okay, since a photo can tell a story in itself, no?

now that my kids are out of school, i want to enjoy the afternoons actually enjoying life. i want us all to slow down and enjoy what life is really all about.
so for now, that's where my heart is at. and i think it's a pretty good season to be in. off to enjoy life's moments now.

what are your favorite moments of life?

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The start of this weekend was not one i was expecting and was pretty rocky.  friday night we were expecting something, but the Lord had other plans.
even though you know His plans are always perfect,  it can't help for it to hurt a little that what you expect doesn't play out like you were so sure it would.
saturday morning, my boys decided to break me. i know not intentionally,  but one outbreak of bad temper led to another tantrum from my youngest,  and it went downhill. the whole morning was ruined, i was in tears.
Guys,  parenting is hard. I know ultimately,  their lives are in God's hands but you can't help to have your heart hurt when your kids don't always obey and seem rebellious. Ugh, it's tough.  
I determined to make the rest of the weekend a sweeter one by documenting sweet, fun moments. 
Life isn't always picture perfect but if we look closely,  the better moments sure outweigh the bad. It's a blessed life!
- we had planned to wake up really early and watch the sunrise. sadly, grey clouds and showers rained on that parade. but snuggles in mommy's bed were the next best option. 
-nothing like a sweet breakfast. whole wheat crepes were on the menu. for the first time they were not too shabby. looking back on the recipe i missed a couple of steps that might've made them fluffier. oops. 
laundry days are not a lot of fun, but when you have a willing helper, you jump on that like white on rice.  
and just to make a saturday morning a little bit sweeter, frost some cupcakes and play volleyball with a balloon on the stairs. it a good time for about twenty minutes. enough to get some giggles of them! 
how was your weekend? tell me about it!

what weekends are for.

life is good and this weekend was just as such. between painting toenails, jumping on the bed, trying to become my niece's favorite person, which unfortunately is not going too well due to the distance and all, watching my baby sister walk across the stage, which i should say if you ever need a team to cheer for you at any event call us. we can get pretty loud. spotting furry little friends, enjoying summer with sundresses and yummy popsicles, and watching the most beautiful sunset painted by God, i felt so full. 
lately, through certain events, one thing that I can see God doing in our life, is strengthening our family. 
we've always been pretty close knit, but these past years He's allowed certain situations to come into our life and just to be able to see His deliverance and faithfulness as a family, is really such a beautiful blessing and i'm so ever thankful for that. 

it's now monday again friends, and june mind you. i hope you all have a beautiful start to your week! 

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linking up with:

batter up + $100 giveaway.

Spontaneity. It makes what was an uneventful planned weekend, one with popcorn, cotton candy and fly balls.
With one hour before the start of the game, the kids showered and changed, all three of them within twenty minutes. Now tell me why it takes twice as long during school mornings.

Now I have a treat for you. I'm helping mrs. Brittany celebrate her one year blogging anniversary with a giveaway for $100 crisp green dollars, well actually in the form of a shiny red card with a bullseye logo. Yep, Target people. Time to get happy.

Blogging is so much more than an online journal of daily activities. It is not just a pretty URL with perfectly arranged HTML. But it is an avenue, a portal into the very hearts of humanity. Beautiful, blank, white space begging to be filled with dreams, ideas, reflections, stories... It is about community. It is about reaching out to people you may never have the chance to meet in person. It is about building relationships and sharing your testimony... learning lessons from each other that impact life. They say it takes a village to raise a child... I think it takes a village to do great things in general. We need each other. Blogging has been such a blessed adventure for me. One that I was reluctant to take. Fearing I would fail, I put the idea off for years. But on March 22nd, 2012 I found me some beautiful, blank, white space... and began.THANK YOU readers, friends, and family... I wish I could come give each and every one of you a hug. Praying the words and pictures found in the day-to-day posts can at least hug your heart. You are loved. ________________________________________
Celebrating this milestone with me are 6 other wonderful women who have touched my life, encouraged me, and held my hand along the way! Each one is so unique - singing her song from her space on the web. Visit them. Let them bless you as they have blessed me! Together we are giving away a $100 Target gift card to one, lucky reader this week!!! Enter to win below. Open to U.S./Canada residents only. ________________________________________  photo targetheader_zps0c3686d0.jpg
::: THE LILY FIELD :::  photo target5_zps68924040.jpg
::: STANDPIPE & SPRINKLES // NEWFANGLED HOUSEWIFE :::  photo target1finalfinal_zps35b8753f.jpg
::: LILY & LIGHT // THE WILLIAMS POST :::  photo target2finalfinal_zpsd0d7a7e8.jpg
 ::: IMPERFECTLY PERFECT GRACE // BEAUTIFULLY MOLDED :::  photo target3finalfinal_zps5c08a32b.jpg
a Rafflecopter giveaway *** this giveaway is in no part sponsored or endorsed by Target. all details and opinions are my own. ***


yesterday we celebrated my mom. focused on her. she's never been the kind of woman to like attention or for people to make a fuss about her birthday, anniversary, or mother's day. so we kept it very low key.
a picnic at the park with her daughters, and grandchildren. she's been a mother to them since they were born and love her as a mom.
in my head, i had planned a wonderful photo shoot with my sister and her children, my mom and us, and me with my children.
let's say when a fussy one year old who hasn't gone down for a nap, a five year old who dislikes mom's choice in clothing and kiddos who felt it was okay to bathe in sand, things don't quite go as planned. ah well, that's real life folks. there will be other days for prim and proper, yesterday was more to enjoy those moments.

i managed to snap a few 'pretty' ones, and i put that in quotations because even though your son coming to you with about of pound of sand all over him, still makes up what this pretty life is about.

yea, that lady in the white pants, that's my mom. never afraid to be herself and just let loose. 
she's beautiful inside and out and loves really hard. she's taught me everything but most importantly to hold on tightly to the Lord. 

love you mom! 

how did you spend your weekend? hope it was lovely!