everybody is working for the weekend.

dear becky, you never cease to amaze me. sweetie, i'm rooting for you. momma will always be by your side, my forever best friend. dear fall, i'm quite disappointed in you. you've been loving on all the other bloggers it seems like but not us here in the south. i'm not speaking to you starting now. (i guess with your cold front you wanted to show me. i'm calling your bluff) dear husband, I miss you. yes I see you everyday but I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever. Can we book a trip to Greece and stay there for long time enjoying each other and the kiddos? dear thirties, these years should be flirty and thriving but I feel like they are more dreary and dragging, on my body at least. Oh it's on me to get myself to the gym and make sure I feel flirty and thriving? Got it.  

Have a beautiful, beautiful weekend loves!



Anonymous said...

I love that, "it's on me to get myself to the gym and make sure I feel flirty and thriving? Got it." Our bodies tells us so many things, I am going to make sure I listen more to mines'.

Leah said...

I've tried ignoring mine for a long time! oops. Now I'm seeing it wasn't such a great idea. :(

katrice said...

I know how you feel about fall in the south, it still feels like summer here :( I wish it would cool down already...I love your letter to your 30s I'm sure you'll find the time to get to gym, have fun with it!

Brook said...

I found you through Friday's Letters ;-). You are gorgeous! You can definitely come up to Michigan and visit this fall/winter like weather and then it's summer again a few days out of it lol. Love the gym part lol. I chuckled, I need to head to the gym before everything starts heading south because my lack of laziness lol O.O!!

Leah said...

we got a cold front and it stayed throughout the day! it's so chilly outside. hope it stays this time for real. thanks for reading!!

Leah said...

awww sweet lady. thank you! I've put MI on my list of places to visit during the fall. I've seen pictures all over of how beautiful it is. It's magical. And girl I tell you, the gym won't recognize me when I decide to show my face again.

Unknown said...


I wanted to stop by and thank you for linking up with the "Almost Friday" blog hop! I'm your newest follower and I hope you'll link up with us again next week!


Leah said...

You too girl!

Leah said...

Thank you Christie, happy to have you!

Anonymous said...

Everyone is SO excited about Fall. Except for me. Boot shopping is the only part I truly like. ;)


Leah said...

Thank you sweet girl! I will head over to your blog!

Leah said...

Really? What is your favorite season. I love boot shopping too, but I just love the weather and the coziness of it too much!