on being mom.

well life's just flying by...again.

it's a good life. busy as heck. but a good life.

thinking that life was going to somehow slow down once the kids were back in school, was definitely just a wish upon a star i guess.
it's probably gotten much busier.

because, i mean the housework doesn't stop, my job cannot be placed on hold, my ministry is still going on, but on top of it all, now there is an immense amount of paperwork to be signed, supplies to still be bought as new projects come up, children to be picked up at different times because of different schools and activities, homework to be checked, kids to get to bed,...

if you felt a tad exhausted from that run on sentence, then you can probably catch a glimpse of the busyness around here and may i say, exhaustion.

but you know what?

i like it.

no, i haven't lost my marbles. at least not yet. but sometime in the last two weeks i had an epiphany of sorts.

as i was making various phone calls to the school nurse, my pediatrician's office, running around to get some paperwork signed, and getting last minute supplies, i realized: i'm needed. i'm depended on.

my kids rely on me to get these things done.
dad works full time, but even then, doesn't mom usually get this privilege?

as their mom, they KNOW they can count on me to run around like a chicken with its head cut off for them. to make sure they can get enrolled in athletics. to make sure they can join an after school program without worrying if someone will be there to pick them up, or to help them in that tricky math problem.

sure it may be exhausting at times. Lord knows that i don't always have a big ol smile on my face as i'm running to the store because someone forgot to tell me they needed something. BUT to know that they know that i'm mom and they can count on me, it's priceless to me.

so the rest of the year may never really slow down, because then again, what mom does?



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out with the old, we say!

surprise, surprise!
i've changed my name friends. 'tis one of the reasons i kinda have been mia from blogging and social media.
i'm sure every blogger will get to some kind of crossroad when it comes to their online identity or their brand, and i came to mine.
beautifully molded for me represented where i was in the beginning of this blog journey and my spiritual life.
i wanted to be molded, i NEEDED to be molded by the Lord. 
by no means does this mean i am entirely molded as we are constantly being perfected by Him to reflect His heart, however where i am now, i need to be reminded that He molds me because I am loved.
He molds me, refines me, works in me, gives me beautiful blessings for love of me, of us.
and for love of Him, I want to share my love for His Word, my family, my passions to give Him glory.
i'm pretty excited to embark in this new journey and i'd be smiling a lot more if it wasn't for the darn benadryl i took this morning that is making my body beg for a three hour nap!!
i've also changed my handle on all the social media i use. you know instagram was first! ha.
so here we go, let's get this party started!

xoxo, leah 

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