Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts

an opportunity.

there are opportunities that come in as a door wide open and when you walk in, your life is changed forever.

you know of which i'm referring to?

i had never been an actual regular church attendee once we moved to austin. living with my parents i was there for every service, but once i got married that changed. i was only attending one service half heartedly and that wasn't every weekend.
and looking in hindsight, i love how the Lord used things to tug at my heart and say i wasn't living for Him. i was just merely attending to check church off my list.

the pastor had set up my dad as the director of education, or some fancy schmancy title like that. he was in charge of preparing a schedule for the classes from nursery to the youth group.
when my dad approached me with the idea of giving the youth group a class once a month, i hesitated a bit. one, because it meant having to attend the morning service. two, because i wasn't in a place spiritually where i could teach young people about God's word.

i accepted, truthfully because he's my dad and who likes to let their dad down?
but i'm so glad i did.

what was supposed to be a class once a month, turned into my class permanently and i fell in love. not only with the youth i was blessed to engage with, but with God's beautiful Word. the questions that emerged from that group about faith, God, the relationship He yearns from us and the answers as we studied, forever changed me and my relationship with the Lord.

every sabbath we discovered together so much Truth and the feeling of being able to influence young people while i myself was being submerged into His Word is priceless. there really are no words to describe it.
from that opportunity that God opened the door for, i grew a passion for young people.
my heart is in mentoring and listening to them. and hanging out with them too because i mean come on, it makes me feel a little younger!
but in all seriousness, sharing the Word to ears that are exposed to this generation's standards is where my heart lies.
currently, in our church plant the children there are not of youth age, but i'm just waiting anxiously when God begins opening another door for a whole new group of youth that prayerfully i'll be able to explore the Word with.

what opportunity are you thankful for?

linkging up:

be thankful, be happy.

    this morning as i woke up, i realized that i am one of the most blessed girls in the world.
    my husband and my kids cuddled in bed watching 'we bought a zoo' melted my heart and my heart lifted a              
    thank you to God who watches us over us and gives us the blessing to be together. 

    as you sit around the table with your family tonight, look around and rejoice in what we have. 
    be thankful and be happy.

    happy thanksgiving everyone!

bursting with thanks

{my original post went into cyberspace and can't find it. so if you've already read, please disregard.}

thanksgiving is tomorrow, just in case you weren't aware of it.
and of couse with it, comes the time for reflection of what you are thankful for. there has been so much blessing poured into my life over the course of the past years that ther could not be enough room in this page to write out how thankful i am.
however, if there would be one word that i could narrow it down to, it would be faithfulness.
not my husband's, nor mine, nor anyone else of this world, but the Lord's. It is because of his faithfulness that i am blessed beyond measure. because even when i fail, he is faithful at loving me relentlessly and showering me with love.

i see his love in my family that couldn't ever live without. i see it in the way He's been molding transforming my marriage with each passing day. i see his faithfulness in allowing my children to disagree with each other because they live in the same roof 24/7 instead of being apart in foster homes. in my loving and supportive parents who are my everything and who have experienced God's provision beyond their understnadig. in my baby sister who faced a very dark time in her life earlier this year, but now has a fire that burns passionately for the Lord. and in my other sister;s family who holds to the Lords' word with all their heart.
yes my God has been faithfuyl and for that i am ever so thankful.

linking up with:

rolled up pretty
from akward to art
this kind of love
rougue and whimsy