Showing posts with label resolutions in motion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resolutions in motion. Show all posts


a couple of weeks ago, i signed up for a neat little project called Resolutions in Motion.

my goal was to live healthier. work out at least three times a week, and cut out as much processed foods as possible.
on of the two has somewhat been achieved. wanna guess? okay i'll tell you:

Resolutions in Motion

You know how January 1st is usually the busiest days for gyms, right?
Doesn't fail. All these people that are trying to get started on the right foot by trying to accomplish their resolutions. Yeah, it lasts for two months tops. I know, because I'm the first one to bail. So, this time I got smart and signed up with little fun project called Resolutions in Motion.

You get started on your resolution before the year ends, that way when January 1st hits, you'll be ahead of the game!! These ladies had their thinking hat on all the way. And I am so ecstatic to be a part of it. Also, there are prizes involved, so that was a no brainer. 

So, what's my resolution?

I am making a resolution to live healthier. 

I know it's almost expected, but it's something that I've always struggled with. like really struggled with. I've been trying to get back in shape and healthier since the birth of my first child....TEN years ago.

At this point it's not so much a diet or trying to lose weight, it's just to try and adapt a healthier lifestyle. If I lose weight in the process, then double yay. As I get older I know that I am more at risk for many illnesses and nutrition plays such an important role in being healthy and preventing lots of said illnesses. 
It would devastate me to get diagnosed for anything major and if being healthier by exercising regularly and eating better, can keep me further from the doctor's office, I need to start doing it and committing to it for myself and my family.

So starting this week, I am actually penciling my workouts in my schedule. I will commit to working out at least three times a week. On the nutrition side of things, I am going to be cutting out as many processed and fried foods as I can. I can't say I'm going to go cold turkey, because I've tried before and failed miserably. i will be posting healthy recipes on here to keep me on my A game. so wish me luck, yes? i really need to accomplish this resolution this time.

I'm pretty excited about this and I'm sure it will be tons of fun. You want to join in the challenge with your resolution? Go ahead and sign up (click on the button above). i can't wait to read about your resolutions!

Healthier me, here I come!!