
a couple of weeks ago, i signed up for a neat little project called Resolutions in Motion.

my goal was to live healthier. work out at least three times a week, and cut out as much processed foods as possible.
on of the two has somewhat been achieved. wanna guess? okay i'll tell you:
i have not worked out. *hanging head low in shame*

i have a great excuse though. i got sick. seriously!! every time i try to start working out my body goes on strike. every.time. it's like it's allergic to exercise or something.

the good thing about my body though is when forced, it keeps up with the mean things Jillian Michaels orders pretty well and so that makes it easy to jump back on the wagon. speaking of mean and hurtful things, i would like to introduce you to a little move i curse every.single.second but keep including it in my routine because it gives results.

the burpee.

maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't. if you haven't maybe you should just stop reading here.

the burpee my friends will tone you all over. abs, butt, legs, arms. you name it. do about fifteen of these in a row, you have my respect. do more than fifteen, look for the nearest trashcan.

(try to look past the obvious)

well there you have it. you've been introduced to the burpee. let's just say that my workouts will include plenty of these for the next few weeks. now excuse me, i'm off to look for the nearest trashcan.

how are your resolutions coming along?


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Not the burpee!! TERRIBLE!! My body is turning inside out just thinking about it. My brain has alerted my body at the mere mention of this terrible word. ha. Stopping by from the Resolutions in Motion blog hop. I, too have failed miserably on the gym going. Great post!

funsizetessa said...

I should probably exercise.....hahaha. But thinking of the wrath of Jillian! Ah! Don't want to. :)

Leah said...

i tell ya girl, this move is a killer but brings results! thanks for stopping by!

Leah said...

she's a tough cookie!

Leah said...

she really does! i kinda wish i had her as my trainer though, she wouldn't let me slack and i'd see results in no time! haha. thanks girl, i'm feeling a lot better. :)