Showing posts with label on my heart series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label on my heart series. Show all posts

the end of an era.

no, i'm not referring to the twilight saga peeps, and okay, maybe not an era.
the On My Heart Series wrapped up last week and i feel extremely blessed. it was a short series but full of blessing for me. 
there's something to say about when we come to hold His word dear to our heart. i'm far from perfect and quite possibly while i'm here on earth, I will never reach that state. but just knowing that
His grace is enough, that my life is held by His hands is what will make my soul be okay.

Thank you so much for all of your encouraging words through it! my hope is that anyone that walked through my "doors" as nicole put it, received a blessing.

i'm looking forward to writing more series on this blog. my wheels are turning on a new one now.. hint, hint.. involves the men in our lives!

enjoy the rest of your sunday, tomorrow is monday. dun, dun, dun.

be still. day 5

one of the biggest challenges of my job is sitting. sitting in a small space for several hours not doing anything else but sitting in front of a computer. 
i'm a creature of movement and bore easily, so just as soon as i jump on something, I'm dreaming of something else. dreaming is good, going is good but it's also good to stop for a minute. 

my spiritual life is reflective of this as well, i've noticed. ideas come in and go, lessons are written up, worship practice gets done and my soul gets overwhelmed with the busyness of it all that in the middle of everything i tend to forget the reason behind it all. 

In all the hustle and bustle, He wants me to be still and soak in His glory. 
when Moses made his way up to Mount Sinai to meet with God, he soaked in every word, every emotion that came from being before the Lord. when he returned His face radiated from God's presence that all the people were able to see.

as i sit here and type, i wonder how much does my face reflect His glory when I lead worship or teach a lesson, or does it reflect restlessness from just keeping busy, not soaking it all in?
i realize that many times i've set to study His word, i don't shut my thoughts out completely to know He is God breathing that word into me. 

be still. my soul be still for He is here. 

this weekend while we head out to do errands, spend family time, and go to church stand still enough to hear Him speaking to your heart. it's the most beautiful sound to hear. 

have a wonderful blessed weekend!!

powerful influence. day 4

if I were to look at myself, a long hard look, I would see a timid girl.
one that is afraid to speak up first, one that is hesitant to voice my opinion in a conversation where mine might be the minority. 
the more i look at the world though, the more i see the need for His voice to be heard, not mine. 
we however, are the instruments that He will use and timidness is not part of the gig. 

as i set out to spread the gospel, i must be reminded that it is needed, that is longed for by those that are hurting, and that need hope. i must remember that my actions speak louder than my words, and that through my actions i must show His love to the world. My words mean nothing if love does not back them up. 
He has given me, given us a spirit of power to overcome the darkness and self-discipline to continue shining even in the darkest storms.
i pray to be more of an influence and less of a judgemental hindrance to others. i pray to have a spirit of powerful love for everyone to hear.
we have the power to make a substantial difference, a power only given by Him.

what encourages you to influence others?

walk humbly, love mercy - day 3

there's been so many moments that i have failed. moments that i have been so determined to do good, to show Jesus' love to the world, and to those around me and failed.

when my kids can't behave and I unkindly yell. when my husband doesn't act in the way i expect and i unjustly seek self-gratification. when a friend hurts with words and i don't forgive fully.

act justly, love mercy. walk humbly with your God.

i've rattled in my mind so many times why i can't act justly towards others and love mercy in the same way He shows it towards me, and i've felt useless more times than i can count. there must be something wrong with me, i must be broken, i must not have a good heart.

walk humbly with your God.

and the answer lies there. walk humbly with the Lord to know that not through me, but through Him. walk humbly alongside Him to know that His strenght, His presence, His life is the one that makes acting justly and loving mercy possible, every.single.time. it's not sufficient to say a quick prayer here and there, it calls to submerge myself in His word to make this possible. I must walk humbly in knowing that I am a servant to His works whether it be motherhood or a ministry at church. I am not my own, merely an instrument. I must walk humbly to feel Him walking alongside me each day as mercy and justice flows from my heart to impact and touch the ones around me.

how do you try to show justice and mercy each day?

linking up with:

this kind of love
local sugar


my understanding is not enough. Day 2

never did i think that the possibility of my parents losing their home would be a reality.
yet there i was, trying to figure out how to help them and in the midst of everything my mom's health had taken a toll. 
 what would happen if my mom couldn't get health care, what would happen if they lost their home?

many mornings on my way to work, i rattled my brain with options that were all faulty and ended in tears of despair. i couldn't understand how or why. but He did. 
as I dropped off my kids that summer morning, on their doorstep was a FedEx envelope. i opened it up as best as i could with my heart pounding out of my chest.

they were not going to lose their home. 

i couldn't believe it. i was amazed that it happened. it was what we had prayed for, but the papers indicated a bigger blessing financially.
our rationale is faulty. we see the logical, the things that are only available based on the circumstances, the things that we are able to see.
we depend on the possessions, the finances we have at hand. 
what I've come to know is that He steps in and uses His mighty hand alone. I've come to understand that when dealing with things that seem to difficult I cannot hold on to the logical, because God acts supernaturally.
Our understanding will never be able to measure His power, His greatness and that's where we should place our trust.
my mom is being treated. we don't know yet what she has, but her Maker does and I will trust in Him and His timing with all my heart.

what have you been trying to figure out on your own? what things can you let go off so He can show you what He has planned?

linking up with:

Apples of Gold

who will help me? day 1

today marks the first day of this series. my prayer is that through this you can be blessed being reminded of His precious word for our lives to hold dear to it on our heart.

i had tried to find the answer in many places before. here i was lonelier than what i could've ever imagined although i was surrounded by friends and family that loved me. the hurt was too deep, my failures stared me in the face and i needed to be saved. 
my faith was bruised though and i didn't really know if the God I had prayed to really existed. 

'i do exist, and i want to save you. i am the creator of heaven and earth. who else will you turn to but me?' 

His whisper was gentle enough to calm my fears, and loud enough to know He is real. 

life is so confusing sometimes, so painful sometimes but His help is ever so ready to sweep in and save us and cover us in His arms. 
when those times come, when the storm comes raging in, i will look to the hills knowing my help comes from the Lord, the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. there is someone who is longing to help you and save you. in the midst of your struggle whether it be small or what may seem impossible, remember there is hope.

linking up with:

Covered in Grace
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His Word on my heart (new series)

Yesterday, I woke up with a heavy heart and throughout the day my heart ached.

More than health care, tax-cuts and immigration laws which are all extremely important, my heart ached from seeing how undivided the country was. How friends on social media tore each other apart, and how this way of living that the world has adapted on focusing on their own desires, would affect the world my children grow up in.

I feared a world where God's word was tossed out, and His presence was not welcomed. I feared having to live in a place where that would no longer be allowed. my imagination runs wild at times, but nonetheless it pressed a critical need to fervently hide His word in my heart and in that of my family's.

The times are changing, laws will come and go, but His word will remain the same, and i'm thankful that we have the freedom to love God as He's loved us.
 and in those times of darkness, despair and doubt, His word will always provide the necessary comfort and peace that our soul will need.

'i have hidden your words in my heart.' psalm 119:11'

i want to share with you verses that have come into my life and have satisfied my quenching soul when i needed it most. starting monday, november 12, join me in searching His word and hiding it in your heart, for those moments when our lives take unforseen turns and when things seem lost. it is in this time, that we must hold on to His promises more than ever.
 i'd love to have you with me as we seek His amazing love.

i would love to have you join me as we seek His heart for ours.
spread the word if your heart desires to do so.

love you friends!

linking up with the lovely Amanda:

a punk, a pumpkin and a peanut