Showing posts with label heartfelt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heartfelt. Show all posts

welcome to my coffee shop.

i'm a dreamer. a big time dreamer. some dreams come and go. like when i wanted to make custom car seat covers, though i don't know how to sew.
or like the time i wanted to do interior designing, though i don't even have my house decorated.
so those dreams are more like 'oh that would be fun' thoughts.

however, one dream that remains and pray that one day God allows me the opportunity somehow, is to own my own little quaint coffee shop.
one, i LOVE coffee.
two, i love pastries.
three, i love the ambiance of coffee shops.
so, i think it's a given. this dream has potential.

i have the vision of how it'd look too.

(all images from tumblr/pinterest. art by joan mitchell)

as you walk in, you would see white distressed cabinets with open shelving against an exposed brick wall.
the menu would be handwritten on large chalkboards with the neatest handwriting and prices would be comfortable too.
on the open shelving, i'd display the cups/plates used for serving so it could feel as you were right at home.
as you waited for your order you would browse the walls adorned with beautiful art pieces from local artists. myself included, of course. (that's fair right?)
and if you'd rather enjoy your coffee/latte/chai tea with the most scrumptious pastry ever, right there in my coffee shop, you would be able to make your way over to the lounge area.
it'd be a cozy space with handmade sofa pillows and a bookshelf with an array of books to fit your taste, while you spend an afternoon enjoying yourself.
i can see it as a location for girlfriends to meet up and chit chat while catching up.
a location for a husband and wife to steal a moment from a busy day, or where an engagement photo shoot might take place.

and at the end of the day, i would have my children and husband join me for our own coffee shop date.
one day. one day it might be the case.

what do you dream about?

New name, new focus.

So, by now, you might be wondering when the heck you started following this blog. Never seen the name before?

You're right you haven't, because I've changed it.
It was formerly known as: My Skinny Tale.

If you refer to my last post from a few months ago, I had taken the decision to step back from the blogging world to focus on my family and to seriously consider what the purpose of blogging would be..other than: because all the cool kids are doing it.


During my hiatus, I read Crazy Love by Francis Chan. A must read.
This book opened the eyes of my heart like nothing before. It moved me to understand that every little trivial thing we do, we must do it to give Him glory, to show His love..that crazy love that I don't deserve.

That crazy love, that is incomprehensible by our human minds.
As I finished the book, I couldn't help but feeling empty.
In my thirty one years of life, I felt like I had not done anything powerful enough to make an impact on some one's life.

Prayers were said. Tears were cried. Dreams were given.

I was revealed something that's always been in front of me:

My first and most important ministry is motherhood.

Seriously, my children were given to me as a precious gift from Him. How I reflect God's love in my daily life towards them and others, is how they will reflect God's love themselves..

It's funny how it takes a while to start getting the hang of this thing called life.

This blog has gotten a makeover.

Originally, the focus was my journey in switching to a healthier lifestyle. Although, that is a great theme for a blog, that is not everything I have to offer, plus I'm not sure I was the best person qualified to give fitness advice. I kinda realized it after I cheated on my diet for the twentieth....billionth time.
I'm no health nut, or fitness expert, and by golly I have way more to write about than fitness/nutrition!

While that is still a big focus for me, it is not the only one. So I will now write about everything and anything that moves within me all while allowing Him to mold me in every which way that is needed  and to reflect Him in my daily life. While placing it in His hands, I pray that this little blog can be used as an instrument for inspiration and/or blessing to someone. There are so many dreams that God has placed in my heart, all to give Him glory. This is the beginning of fulfilling those dreams, all while following His direction.

I have made a promise to myself this time: God and my family comes first.

So, I apologize in advance if this blog is not one that has a new post every single day.
Heck, to make it up for you I might post twice in one day after being neglected for two or three. Okay probably not.

Can't wait to see what this new ride brings.

Until next time friends,