January goals

So. how's 2014 treating you so far?
I of course hope well. and if so, grab a donut to celebrate. and if not, grab one still. donuts are always a good idea. especially the ones with sprinkles.
on the subject of the new year, and jumping on the making things happen series, I knew I wanted to focus on each month individually and live out my word more intentionally. and when one needs to be intentional, goals need to be set, rather than just hoping (insert your 2014 word  here) will happen. yes? yes.
for this month my goals are:

 I want to start the kiddos on a regular bible study. I could be selfless alone by spending more time with them, which will happen, but I do want our time to also focus on God together. quiet times with God have done great things in me and I want them to experience it as well.
get business cards designed and ordered. as I begin to fulfill my vision for this year, I will need to reach out to vendors, sponsors, etc. plus how fun!?
do an act of kindness.
can I confess that I'm not too much of random acts of kindness person? and not because I don't want to, but because I'm never prepared. i never carry change, always cards. never have spare food in the car. I realize there are more things I can do, and pray the Lord will guide me in the right direction.
also plan a community activity for the kids in the neighborhoods. I'm thinking a free craft/game/movie day. who doesn't love free and crafting?

and finally go on an adventure with the kids. i'm thinking picnic, camping in the living room, or something like that. especially with the temps not being truly warm now.
it's tempting to add more, yet I want to keep things on a realistic level, so that they would also be attainable. I'm already looking forward to crossing these babies off.
what are some of your january goals?



17 Perth said...

I love these! I haven't even done my january goals yet! haha. I need to get on it!

Shannon Q. said...

I'm excited to hear how all this goes! Try out the "white envelope" idea. I keep white envelopes in my purse with cash in them...Jay knows they're in there and now he's always on the lookout for whoever needs a blessing. Its pretty fun! We try to give the envelope either in secret or get the heck out of there as soon as possible :)

Kelsea said...

These are wonderful goals! I'm so excited to get our children involved when we have more and they're older :)

Susannah said...

These are some awesome goals!!! I love seeing parents intentional about quite time WITH their kids and the Lord!

Shannon Q. said...


The Olive Tree Blog said...

Love your goals! I haven't set any we were hit with strep, colds, and more colds...I didnt even notice it was a new year lol!!!