
i realize that part of bringing in the new year is doing away with the old, in with the new. putting away for good things of the past year, yet each year brings lessons with each season.
and what would lessons be if we didn't reflected and learned from them? looking back through 2013 and reflecting on it, there are a few lessons that i need to grasp for this new year.

and truth be told, i find it kind of weird that i'm doing so. that i'm actually grasping the new year with so much passion. because before to me jan 1 was just another day. but this year. boy this year i need things to happen. i need to stand at the end of 2014 and cry of happiness that things were different.

so in 2013 i learned that

time with God is of utmost importance. can't afford to go a day without it.
the days when i chose to make Him my priority, were the days i felt overwhelming peace. the days were i was most cheerful. when i looked at things differently. note to self, do not skimp on quiet time with the Lord.

also i learned, not everything needs to be said. biting my tongue can be a good thing. not all battles need to be tackled and some things can just be dropped. instead i can use my words in prayer for that person and let God do the rest.

envy is the devil. steals away joy, brings anxiety and discontent. they're them, i'm me. situations are different always and i need to get that. and if i continue to pour my desires out to God, He will make sure my dreams are fulfilled. noted.

the kids need quiet time with God too. it's not enough that i get in my quiet times to draw nearer to Him, if they stay in the same boat. growing spiritually needs to be made a family thing for every member to hold up strong.

and lastly, when God brings me to it, He will bring me through it. no doubt about it. i need to worry less and worship more.

i will be printing this out and placing it everywhere i need to be reminded of it. another year down, more lessons learned.

what are some lessons that 2013 brought you?


Shannon Q. said...

I think your point about taking the things you feel like you want to voice to God instead is seriously HUGE! I'm trying to focus on the fact that he knows all and is just and so loving that he can and will work things out wayyyy better than I ever could using my tiny little voice to try to put things in place.

Susannah said...

What a blessing that you learned so much this year! God is truly the greatest teacher!

Kelsea said...

These are beautiful lessons, friend! I have struggled with making daily time with the Lordfor years and it needs to be a priority!

17 Perth said...

Absolutely love this. And you are so right! I *need* time with Him. *Need* is the key word. And bridling my tongue is something I am still working on. My first bible study? James. Coincidence? I think not. Lol.

The Olive Tree Blog said...

love your thoughts and heart!

Unknown said...

A loud Amen to all of these points! Your the best Jony!

Unknown said...

A loud Amen to all these points. Your the best Jony!