
well hello and happy monday!

i wasn't really planning on posting but i thought i would do a quick post to let you in on our shenanigans here lately.

lots of family time. and eating. because that's all that important:
family and eating. good times right there.

yesterday we headed out of the house to have lunch and do a little shopping. long day but productive.

i've realized i have an obsession with avocados. i will add them on just about anything. pizza, yes. eggs, yes. soup, yes. salad, yes. spaghetti. better believe it.

my little girl and i have found a place in the house where we are both in our element and enjoy the heck out of it. this girl looooves to be in the kitchen, if it's not eating, it's helping mom around. she will even bring out her own little cookie cutters.

i got taken over tha chalkboard mania, and hung one big one for inspiring memos to my little family. currently it says:
'gratitude turns what we have into enough.'

if you recall i once stated that for my 32nd birthday, i'd be rocking leather skinnies. that was my motivation. well, lace skinnies are somewhat the equivalent and this girl here rocked them for date night on valentine's. yep, i felt oh so pretty.

i might as well be able to claim legos on my tax return. these annoying little things are everywhere in my house, but i try not to complain as much as it awakens my little one's creative juices. he does these crazy creations without templates or manuals. just out of his little imagination.

my valentine's. handsome and witty. i heart him a lot.

napa valley salad. walnuts, cranberries, and grilled chicken on a bed of greens with balsamic vinaigrette. it was yum.

and finally my cheesy old self.

that's in a nutshell my life as of late. anything interesting happening in yours? tell me about it!

have a lovely day sweets!

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Discovery Street said...

yes...avocado lover here too. I wish they were cheaper!!

Katie said...

Can you believe I wouldn't touch avocado, until Tim started getting me to eat them? Now, they're one of my absolute favorites!

They can be pricey, but if you're able, Ruthy Ann, you can grow your own. :) We've got our pit started and all ready to plant come spring!

kyna... said...

Sweet that you have a little helper in the kitchen! And holy cow, you have cute handwriting! Can you please come over and write on all of my chalkboards?? My handwriting is horrible and not artistic at all!! :-(
♥ Kyna

helen said...

agh, i am addicted to avocados too!! i think i can eat them every day :) would love to see some of your recipes featuring avocado! :)