little details. (love is.)

living with the same people for more than a week, usually will be a struggle. you have to figure out how to cater to each different personality and deal with the differences. in our home, not only are my husband and i very different from each other, but my children are as well from each other.
teaching to love always isn't always easy, especially when on a twenty hour plus road trip and endless, 'mom, he's touching me/looking at me' moments. (we traveled from tx to wi last summer. never again.), but the end result is all well worth it.

it's all in the little details, i think that speak louder than an isolated grand scale gesture of love. those are nice too, don't get me wrong. who wouldn't like a serenade while looking above from your balcony, right? but when little love gestures present themselves each day, it inevitably brings a smile to your face and will awaken something in you to love harder too.

in my home love speaks in different ways.  for me love is, snuggling under a blanket together with morning breath aside to agree on what games to download. this melted momma's heart. it was the sweetest picture!

love is going to the corner store and my husband bringing back my favorite soda drink without me asking for it, just because he knows i like it.

love is my daughter breaking her 'no boys allowed in her room' rule for her little brother when he's too scared to sleep in his room.

love is my oldest grabbing my hand in the car and snuggling a little closer just to get a quick mommy moment.

love is agreeing to disagree a lot of the times, instead of trying to change the other person.

and sometimes love means leaving the last grapefruit for your husband.

little details. spoken with love are spoken pretty loud. what is love in your home?

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Unknown said...

your daughter and her breaking the no boys allowed rule is absolutely adorable!

Leah said...

I like that love is the little things... Exactly how I feel! :)

The Olive Tree Blog said...

so true! have you or are you reading the love language book ( i can't remember? ) anyways true to all!! love is so shown in different ways after all we are all different people.

on a funny note have you heard the joke about how the wright brothers invented the airplane in 1903 because in 1902 they took a family road trip across the country lol.

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Love that last line. Totally agree! Thanks so much for sharing and linkin up with me!! I appreciate it :) xoxo

Unknown said...

Hey there! Found you from the link up! Your family's dynamics are SO adorable! Love it. Great post