let lose. {healthy you, happy you thursday}

you know what, it's ten forty and i'm just here laying in bed thinking about this week. other than doing my own car inspection and oil change, cooking dinner every night, keeping my house clean AND putting together a bookshelf by myself with power tools and all. i know right, go women! not too much room for excitement is left.
however, i did notice a change in my attitude this week. i am by far the most impatient person you'd meet. i get hissy if twitter takes longer than ten seconds to load more tweets, it's pretty ridiculous. but this week, i've been more relaxed, more at ease. honestly i would love to tell you it's due to something specific or a new approach, but everything is the same as far as routine. i think it may just be getting older resulting in getting wiser? haha. thought i'd tell you instead of wiser i typed in wider. yeah we don't want that.

but seriously, i think life is too short to take it so seriously. nothing in this life is far too important to lose track of the beautiful things around us that happen every day. i know there have been days where because i was wallowing in self pity and bitterness, i wouldn't enjoy my child's laughter but instead would ask for them to be more quiet. probably not that nice either. that's a shame. losing that moment over something that doesn't really matter. let lose, be silly, enjoy the moment. who cares if the person is driving too slow? who cares if dinner got burnt, or if your child forgot to put their folder inside their backpack? nobody will die over it, but we will lose sight of the everyday joys if we choose to focus on the mishaps of life. take it from the girl who at worship practice takes dumb selfies.

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have you been doing something for you to live happier and healthier? we want to know about it!

Link up Details:

with your host:

and lovely co-host:

1. link up your posts on how you are taking time to live better and happier. for background on the linkup click here.

2. please browse both the host and co-host's blog and should you find it a place that you enjoy, feel free to follow along. We'd love to have you!

3. grab the button and paste it on your blog (a text link up is fine as well) to spread the word. let it be an encouragement for women to take time to live happier.

4. visit others, offer words of encouragement and HAVE FUN!

ready, set, go!

if you would like to co-host please email me here.


Amy said...

Beautiful post, love! And so so SO true! I can definitely work on letting go more, and just enjoying the ride!

Chelsea said...

You have SUCH a cute blog, Leah! I love it! And I love the idea of this link up! I may have to join sometime :)