just pray.

i'm not trying to make sense of it because it's impossible to, out of something so senseless.
as a mother, i cannot fathom the intensity of the heartbreak the parents who lost a child today are carrying from losing their precious angels.
how in the blink of an eye, they lost being able to hold their babies to sleep or receive mushy kisses and hugs. 
my heart goes out to them and is broken. it's devastated and i have cried so much for these kids that i've never met, these parents that i've never met. the bond of motherhood is stronger than anything else though, and i feel for all those mothers. i feel for their loss.
 if there was one thing that i could turn back time on, it would be this.

all i can do is pray, pray hard that God's grace and peace can wrap them in His arms. these angels are in a better place with their Maker, in that beautiful place.
while this world is sinking in evil and selfishness, i know He is preparing a  beautiful place where those mothers will be able to hold their angels once again.

please continue to pray hard for all of these families that so desperately need comfort.
my God please be with them. 

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