today i saw on someone's ig, a little girl holding up her backpack for the first day of school.
could it be?
yes, summer is slowly starting to come to an end!
it went by so quickly, but then again, doesn't it always?
this summer was the no plan summer. we planned nothing. no vacation, no trips, no activities.
i kept on telling myself each week, i would finally get around to doing some things from my boards on pinterest. and one or two things did get done, but that was about it.
we just winged it.
grandma's during the day.
home in the evening with a little game here and there. church on weekends. and sunday funday every so often, which mostly constisted of pool time and/or walking around the city.
even though there was nothing fancy planned, i gotta say i feel like i enjoyed my kids more this summer. maybe its the sense that comes with getting older that everyday is truly a blessing. fun activities or not.
i think it's safe to say with kids back in school and a sense of routine coming back, i might be using this little space a lot more.
what have you been up to?