Showing posts with label mothers day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mothers day. Show all posts


yesterday we celebrated my mom. focused on her. she's never been the kind of woman to like attention or for people to make a fuss about her birthday, anniversary, or mother's day. so we kept it very low key.
a picnic at the park with her daughters, and grandchildren. she's been a mother to them since they were born and love her as a mom.
in my head, i had planned a wonderful photo shoot with my sister and her children, my mom and us, and me with my children.
let's say when a fussy one year old who hasn't gone down for a nap, a five year old who dislikes mom's choice in clothing and kiddos who felt it was okay to bathe in sand, things don't quite go as planned. ah well, that's real life folks. there will be other days for prim and proper, yesterday was more to enjoy those moments.

i managed to snap a few 'pretty' ones, and i put that in quotations because even though your son coming to you with about of pound of sand all over him, still makes up what this pretty life is about.

yea, that lady in the white pants, that's my mom. never afraid to be herself and just let loose. 
she's beautiful inside and out and loves really hard. she's taught me everything but most importantly to hold on tightly to the Lord. 

love you mom! 

how did you spend your weekend? hope it was lovely!