who says?

selena gomez or song of solomon. (in jami nato's form)

i have them, you have them. and i allowed mine to make me pretty miserable throughout high school. no, not mean girls and their queen bee, but insecurities.
come to think of it, insecurities are kind of like mean girls in your brain constantly chanting things to bring you down. and mine were pretty loud. loud enough that i believed them.

i believed that my nose was too big and dreamed of the day i would be able to afford a nose job. i believed that my frizzy hair made me just that much uglier. only girls with pantene hair were rightfully able to wear their hair down and flip it like nobody's business, and oh i think that i might have won the award for most tubes of mascara purchased trying to find the one that would give me those 'maybe she's born with it' lashes. unfortunately i have yet to still find it.

when in a room with other girls, i always would size myself up. always thinking, oh well she's prettier than me, or man, i wish i had her hair. but never did i ever feel pretty myself. i always felt like God shortened me when it came to that magic beauty ingredient.
sadly, this caused some issues early in my marriage because i lacked any confidence in myself. no matter if my husband complimented me, i still felt unattractive. i still felt so bad about myself.

it took a long time and lots of hiding in the shadows, but i finally understood that if the bible holds truth, which it does, then God sees me as His beautiful creation. He sees me as a beautiful masterpiece and I am His.
i am not this world's to be sized up and compared by its standards of an itty bitty waist and well endowed up top.  i will never walk the runways during fashion week, or any runway for that matter because i'm a big klutz. ain't nobody got time for that.
but i'm okay with that. because basically those girls can't eat. and your girl here looooves to eat. especially anything with bacon and avocado...i digress.
but in all seriousness, i'm okay with my nose, my not so rocket long lashes, my barely there C cup, which maybe down to a B but whatevs.
and yes, there's days, the ones with bloating and headaches, yes those that i feel like nothing fits, like my stretch marks didn't forgive one inch of my stomach, but the thing is, i don't let myself drown in those feelings of not being enough anymore. i'm me, i'm perfect and beautiful in His eyes and really that is all that matters to me. and hey, just in case you've been where i've been, guess what? you are drop dead gorgeous too. because you were also wonderfully and beautifully made. 'c' cup, 'a' cup, short, tall, round nose or thin nose, a little fluffy or not. you are beautiful. who says you are not? because the Lord says you are.

 photo siggie_zpsf7137529.jpg

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Yelle said...

I can completely relate - especially to the frizzy hair :) Now I know how to style my hair and it doesn't even matter because I am happiest on days when it's just pulled out of my face! And agreed - we are all beautiful, I can find so much beauty in all the women that surround me on a daily basis!

Kerrie Williams said...

needed this today :)

17 Perth said...

AMEN. (That definitely needed to be in all caps.) And I loved your analogy of insecurities to mean girls in your head. That is so so true! You are one beautiful woman inside and out--thank you for posting.
P.S. That photo of you is probably my favorite!

17 Perth said...

You look beautiful. (That was supposed to be with my last comment. :) My dog hit publish for me. LOL)

henning love said...

beautiful photo of yourself leah!! i still remember some of the hurtful things said to me, it comes around at certain times or when i am doing certainly things and unfortunately i hate to admit there might be things that i have said to others they might remember in a hurtful way and that makes me sad.

Kayla Peveler said...

First of all -- you are STUNNING. I used to think the same thing of myself...but the Bible holds so much truth that we are BEAUTIFUL. So happy you see that in yourself, Leah! :)

You, my dear, are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

you are so beautiful inside and out :)
having the body of a 12 yr old boy and then 2 pregnancies that destroyed my stomach, i can definitely relate to body image issues! wonderful reminder that we are his masterpieces, "flaws" and all!

Unknown said...

This was beautiful Leah! I love your blogs, they are not just interesting with your dash of funny, they are very inspiring and encouraging. Love you lots!

Unknown said...

Said so beautifully! Something every girl needs to be reminded of! Thanks for sharing these encouraging words, and thanks for linking up!

Unknown said...

Said so beautifully! Something every girl needs to be reminded of! Thanks for sharing these encouraging words, and thanks for linking up!

Abigail Jasmine said...

Aw, thanks for the reminder! :)

YOU are beautiful!

katie_shannon said...

Such a struggle.

Gab said...

There are indeed things that take some time before we get into terms with it. And actually it's all about perspective. Once we see that the only standard we should measure up to is His and not of this world then we're all okay.

<3 Gab

Amy said...

This is so beautiful, Leah :) Love it, and you!