Girl Behind the Blog. - my #1 passion

I'm linking up today for the Girl Behind the Blog. yay! i remembered. i always forget to do these. 
this month's prompt was to talk about your passion. what drives you, moves you, shakes your core. okay maybe i'm being a little dramatic.
so you wanna know what's my #1 passion outside of blogging?

can't wait to watch your videos. if you're not linking up tell me, what's your passion. what moves you that you LOVE to do? do tell!



17 Perth said...

I love this! You are so cute! And listening you talk about it--you can definitely tell you are passionate about it.

There are a few things I am passionate about....I love love love nature (and animals). I am very passionate about preserving, observing and recognizing and praising God for this beautiful planet He created.

Cindy @ Cinsarah said...

I love that you did a vlog! I haven't seen you in so long so I forgot what your voice was like! crazy! Anyways we have the same passion! :) I absolutely LOVE to sing!! It's something I will NEVER get tired of doing. I am so happy to hear you are leading worship! What a wonderful way to let God use you through something you are so passionate about! PS. I just found out a couple months (like 2) ago that you had this new blog and I love it! I have been following you along ;) (not stalking promise! lol)

The Olive Tree Blog said...

awww fun! your so pretty!! hmmmm i have no musically talent.none.but he rest of my family has a lot of it. lol

loved this!

Kasey said...

Thanks for sharing this! I loved hearing your heart for worshipping the Lord with your voice! I also love Kari Jobe and love to listen to her all throughout the week. Her praise moves my heart to worship the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings!

Amy said...

That's so wonderful that you are able to lead worship at your church!! I think that would just be an incredible way to serve the Lord, so I'm so happy for you that you get to play a role in that!!

Anonymous said...

I love to hear your passion for music! That is so awesome!! Glad you linked up pretty lady!

katie_shannon said...

It's great that you allowed God to work through you to use your voice to bring praise to Him.

And Kari Jobe...LOVE her!

Shannon said...

I can totally tell how passionate you are! How lucky you are that God has given you the passion and opportunity to lead worship! I'm sure you are rockin'!

Singing vlog, please?!

jessi bridges said...

That is so awesome! I wish I could sing, but alas, that is NOT my gift. So glad you figured out what you love and what you're good at early on. What a blessing!

Anonymous said...

It's great to "meet" you! I love that Kari Jobe inspired you so much - it's amazing to see that when we obey the Lord, we end up influencing others to do the same. That's awesome!

Kiki said...

Even though it's not my gift, I love singing and music. I especially love listening to and singing during church with my church family and just feeling enveloped by it all. Music is such a blessing and I loved hearing about your passion for singing! So excited to have discovered your blog through this link-up!

Nadine said...

You're so genuine! I love it. Love with a capital L love it! :)
I'd love to hear your voice. It's so cool that you've found your niche with singing, and I hear ya on being inspired by Kari Jobe. Her heart is so beautiful. I'm so excited because I'm going to a worship concert she is leading at on Saturday.

maria said...

You gave me goosebumps! I love how passionate you are about using your voice to praise God!
And I agree with Shannon, we definitely need a singing vlog :)!

Unknown said...

Whhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?! Singing is your passion and this VLOG contains NO singing?!?!?!?!? haha. Sing, girl!!! I want to hear!!! So glad God's allowed you to use your talents with your Church :-) That's awesome. And Kari Jobe is the BOSS. LOVE HER. I didn't do the link up this month - but I think my passions are ministry, family and married life, Natural Family Planning... and cooking!!! Traveling... shopping at Target... LOL!!! XO

Shannon Q. said...

Sooo good to see and hear you, but also to hear your heart come out as you talk about singing and leading worship. I just smiled as I watched this! I'm so glad you have the opportunity to sing and be involved with worship each week!