
tomorrow marks the 11th anniversary of uniting my life to the man that would change it completely.
he knows it and i know it, and it's time that you all know it:

i'm head over heels. smitten. imprinted. haha.
i only pray that i get to live so many more years next to this man. our story has so much to tell, it would take many posts to tell you about it, and one day i might. but today i just want to tell you why i love this man.

one: he's hot.
let's just say this: if i were to enter a coffee shop per se, and i saw this man sitting in the back of the store sipping his coffee, i'd definitely want his digits (do the cool kids still say that?). no joke.

two: he is a family man.
he loves his family and is very protective of us. family is important to him and going out for dinner with me and the kids is something he enjoys and you can tell he brims with pride. 

three: he makes me laugh.
all the time. his humor is a rare one and not everyone gets it. but i love that we can laugh together and that i get his humor....most of the time, until he pushes it a midge too far. but i still love my hunny.

four: he is responsible.
bringing home the bacon has always been a priority to him. always makes sure that we have what we need. works really hard and is never reckless with our finances.

five: he is passionate.
in life, in sports and in love.

six: he is forgiving.
i can be moody. and that's an understatement. he puts up with it and forgives me quickly for my mistakes. he actually forgives faster than i do, and love that about him. he lets things go.

seven: he is authoritative.
it may just be me. but i love that my man takes a lot of authority in matters of the house when it comes to financial and household decisions. we've had rough patches in the past mainly because i've wanted to please others and not listen to his opinion, but him being in charge when it comes to things like this, makes me feel i'm being taken care of. it may just be the 'damsel in distress waiting for her knight in shining armor' in me.

eight: he's my knight in shining armor
sure he didn't like having to walk out of the theatre in the middle of the movie to go save my behind from being stranded, but he did. we could write a book on me being locked out and forgetting my keys inside, or let's say leaving a party to get me personal items (tmi? sorry). i could write out a mile long list of others but no need. he's there for me. he's always been there for me.

nine: he puts me to sleep
 when the day is done, and we are laying in bed and he's watching the last bit of tv, he will reach over and run his fingers through my hair over and over to help me doze off. i.love.that. 

ten: he's a cuddler.
although he might not admit it to the boys, he is and i love that. spooning. yep that too.

eleven: he will forever be my hunnybunny.
he loves me. i love him. we love each other. forever and ever, and ever. amen.

Hunny, I love you from here to the moon and back a million times. you make me one happy girl!


Shannon Q. said...

Happy, happy anniversary. I am so happy for you, and the special bond you two have. He sounds like a fabulous man. I pray blessings over your marriage and that you two will grow closer and even more in love and unified this year. Enjoy!!

Kayla Peveler said...

Happy early anniversary!! :) I hope you guys have a blast. So glad he makes you so happy!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary.

I love how you said you were imprinted by him. Thank God!

Tonya said...

Happy Anniversary!
Wishing you many more wonderful years together!

Anonymous said...

awww, congrats on 11 years you love birds :)

Leah said...

he is Shannon. i'm one happy girl.

Leah said...

thank you Kayla. we will and he sure does. i love him to pieces!

Leah said...

we both have watched the twilight saga and kind of enjoy it. thought it'd be fun to include that reference there. hahaha. thank you Funmi.

Leah said...

thank you Tonya! i appreciate that a lot!

Leah said...

thank you Christine!

helen said...

aw, this is the sweetest. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both, and many more to come, Lord willing! :)

Leah said...

Thank you Helen! I pray for many more for sure. I know the Lord will continue to do His work.

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Happy Happy Anniversary to you both! Loved your post! A-freakin-Men to wonderful husbands! Thank you for linkin up to my Sunday FUNday partay :) XOXOXO

Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

Anonymous said...

Very sweet! Happy anniversary!