melting momma's heart.

This little girl. I love her to pieces. She's my little princess, but the most stubborn princess at that, and she can drive me up the wall. Yesterday, she and I got into a little spat. Has been happening lately. That says a lot about me being the adult, right?
After about three seconds of me raising my voice at her, I felt like the size of a flea. I grabbed her from the couch, took her into my bathroom and had mommy and Becky time. As I'm brushing her hair and curling it, my heart melts with the words that come out of her mouth.

'Mommy, how does someone give their hair to someone else that lost their hair from cancer?'
After I explained Locks of Love, I asked her 'why baby?'
'Because I would like to do that.'
As my heart shed a tear of how proud I was, she excitedly talked about how long she would have to grow her hair to be able to give enough.

This little girl, who is stubborn to no end has an amazing heart and never ceases to amaze me. I'm one momma that is truly, truly blessed.


stephanie said...

so sweet! what a precious little girl. her mama must be doing something right ; )

Anonymous said...

What a sweet daughter you are raising! I like how you took her aside for special time and just loved on her! I'll have to remember to do that with my girls, especially when they get a little older. said...

wow, your daughter is so precious. what a beautiful story. i am constantly moved by the innocence of children and how they are just willing to give of themselves without conditions. they don't know how to sugarcoat things or inflate things like adults learn to do...i try to pray often that i can go back to that place in my life when i just wanted to give!
so glad to be following your blog now! looking forward to reading more of what you have to share! :)

henning love said...

wow how selfless is your little girl. what a very generous act she is doing. you are doing something right in the way you are raising her

funsizetessa said...

That's so cute! I'm sure you're a great mom :)

Leah said...

Thank you Stephanie, that's my little baby girl!

Leah said...

thank you Christine. I felt so terrible about it, I felt that was the least I could do, and I'm glad I did because I was so blessed by it. :)

Leah said...

thank you Morgan. It will definitely be one that will stay in my heart forever! glad to have you girl!

Hannah R. said...

That's awesome! My sister donated her hair a few years back. Another program you might look into is Beautiful Lengths. I just found out about them the other day actually. I'm going to give you a few links. :)

Hope that helps! :)

Leah said...

thank you Meg. I can't wait until the day comes for it. I'll be beaming from ear to ear more than I already am. I think though beyond what I can be doing, it truly is God working in her little heart. I fail miserably at parenting lots of times, but by His grace she is being molded into being selfless like Him.

Leah said...

thank you Tessa!

Leah said...

Thanks Hannah! will be checking these sites out tonight with her. very helpful info!

kyna... said...

Wow, what an awesome post, and what an awesome little girl you have!
♥ Kyna

Shannon Q. said...

what a blessed time and sweet little girl you have!
Just found your blog through the almost friday blog hop. I'm now following you!
Have a great rest of your week!

Leah said...

Thank you Jillian! :)

Leah said...

Thank you Kyna. I'm pretty proud of her. :)

Leah said...

It really was a blessed time. She taught me a great lesson on selflessness. I'm so happy to have you here!

Anonymous said...

This was short and sweet!
My daughter is 9 months and I cry myself crazy, almost everyday because of how she grows so fast!
Thank you so much for sharing this moment with us!!!
I'm linking up from QuiteTheBlog, I will defiantly be stopping by more often!

jesika said...

This was short and sweet!
My daughter is 9 months and I cry myself crazy, almost everyday because of how she grows so fast!
Thank you so much for sharing this moment with us!!!
I'm linking up from QuiteTheBlog, I will defiantly be stopping by more often!

Ali W. said...

So sweet! I love this. These little moments with my mom were my favorite. You will be her best friend all her life.

Rachel said...

She's so sweet how she thought of that and said she wanted to do that all on her own!

Leah said...

Oh I know it Jesika. They do grow up so fast! enjoy every moment of it, but don't worry there are so many more years ahead to create beautiful memories! thank you for reading!

Leah said...

That is what I pray for Ali, for her to see me as her best friend. I never want her to go through anything without being able to confide in me. thank you for your sweet words!

Leah said...

Thank you so much Rachel!

Boni Lady said...

Beautiful moment that you will NEVER forget! Great {embrace} pics too! You have a very special little girl there!!

Amanda said...

What an amazing young lady to think of that on her own!
Visiting from Embrace the Camera - and I'm so glad you captured that moment!

Leah said...

Thank you so much for your sweet words. I sure do, I've been blessed!

Leah said...

Thank you Amanda! I did too, will for sure frame it for her to also remember!