update from my desk.

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well hey, happy monday to you!

you ready for some rambling thoughts from me today? because be forewarned, i'm writing this on a whim. just to check in, ya know.
that way this space doesn't collect cobwebs and dust.

so since my last check in, i kinda went mia again. believe me, i had every intention of picking up the pace and start writing, but can i just tell you, this summer has been so hard to adjust to!

and i'm kind of bummed about it, because i was really, really looking forward to summer but i find myself at times looking forward to fall. maybe because my mood lately matches the season of fall. i don't know.

anyway, when the day ends and my thoughts gravitate to this little space, i begin to think again on the purpose of it.
don't get me wrong, i love blogging and connecting with so many of you. but lately, i haven't felt that umph. you know?
i've felt like i don't have really anything worth sharing, because i'm sure my never ending sweeping the dining room and piles and piles of laundry are not what you are dying to read about, since you have your own.

all of us have our own.

yet, that reminds me of the purpose of this space. i remember the reason i started this space was to share my stories. even of the endless piles of laudry ones. because in the thick of my own, i need encouragement.

one of the things i've found when i share a message at church, is that i'm not only sharing it with the congregation to minister to them, but it also ministers me. every. time. so why would sharing my stories here be any different. even if i'm the one living them, i will find encouragement from it. writing them out sometimes does that.

and that's what i want to receive from here. my want is to be able to encourage women in the middle of their own laundry piles, knowing that i, being far from perfect, need encouragement as well.

i will never claim to know everything because i don't. i'm still trying to figure out myself. but if i can do that while making some kind of difference, then i'll make the attempt to still write and share.
even if it's once a week, although i'll try to pop in here more often than that.

so, on that note, how has your summer been?

sweet motherhood: the series recap.

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you may remember the sweet motherhood series that wrapped up here a few weeks ago.

i had the pleasure of having sweet mothers share their thoughts on motherhood and conducted a little interview with each of them. let me tell you, i loved it.
i'm not exaggerating when i say, each week as i received a new post it blessed my heart.

if i can tell you a little secret, i've never considered myself good at this mom gig. i've had my fair share of mom fail moments times three. moments in which i've thought, okay there they will hate me forever.
and countless moments where i've cried rivers asking God for help as i cannot do it, i just can't!

i can be a bit dramatic sometimes.

but in all seriousness, motherhood can feel like that at times. exhausting, frustrating and lonely.
some days may seem like going into a battlefield. some days may feel like we've failed. heck some days we just want to eat a chocolate bar without sharing for crying out loud!

which is why this series really blessed me. not only did i realize that i'm not one bit alone. not only because mothers everywhere struggle the same, but also because there is a lot of Grace that can sustain us.

'But you are doing a great work! Kingdom work! Raise your babies, love your babies, teach your babies, day in and day out. God will sustain you and give you grace, oh so much grace, to keep on going despite your shortcomings.' - andrea wolfe
that encourages me! this motherhood gig is kingdom work. it's not just another mundane task that we have to wake up to. it's Kingdom work!
what we do is for the long run. what we do with them has a bigger impact that we could imagine.
My vision in parenting him is for the long haul. I'm not only trying to raise a good kid, but more so an amazing man. – shannon quiqley
Be present and in the now...all most kids really want is your time...so give it to them...they will be grown and gone before you know it. - christina schergen
and although that might sound scary, knowing that what we do has a great impact, it isn't. when we come to realize that the immense love we have for our kiddos, does not compare to the love He has for them, and for us mamas, it places a comfort on my heart.
He sees our fears for them, our dreams for them. He sees the feeling of falling short as mothers and He fills it while we do the only thing we can do.. cling on to Him.
While I have the privilege of caring for her and loving her imperfectly but constantly, I am humbled by the realization that a parent's love for their child(ren) is but a mere shadow of God's deep and perfect love for Christ.helen hong
Being a mom goes way beyond caring for a child. Through motherhood I've come to truly understand God's love for us. – cindy medrano
As she grows, I pray that she knows Whose she is - erika
we, mothers sometimes beat ourselves up more than we should. in fact we shouldn't beat ourselves up. whatever we are doing is good work, because honestly as long as we love our children with all our heart and pray the best for them, it will show. and they will know.
Motherhood comes in all shapes and sizes. We have to stop comparing and start embracing each other and where we are at.ruthy taylor
We tend to assume these "supermoms" have some kind of secret to motherhood that we don't have. We are so wrong. There's not one mom in the world who doesn't have struggles. becky haight
we're all in it together, the struggles, the worries, the tickles, the cuddles, the ever growing pile of laundry. it's sweet, this motherhood. in the bigger picture it is sweet and we got this. mamas, we got this.

a huge thank you to all the beautiful ladies that participated in this series! i love your heart!