every hour.

ah, it's monday.
a new week, a new to do list, a new set of plans.

this weekend, was not one for the books, sadly. while i wish i could sit here and write about all the adventures we took part it, i cannot. it matched the gray, rainy weather outside.
however, i do just want to share with you some encouragement for this week. because there's encouragement to be found, even in posts that begin as blah as this one, right?

there's this song that wrecks me, ever.single.time.

//oh i need you, oh i need you.
every hour i need you.
my one defense, my righteousness,
oh God how i need you.

maybe you've heard it? i'll include the video link below if you haven't. and if you wanna listen to it while you read the rest of this, that'll work too.

basically it wrecks me because it reminds me that i can't do this life alone. i just can't.
one of the first lines are: without you i fall apart.

and isn't that the truth?

it reminds me of how my life was before i committed my life to God. it reminds me of the depression and heavy sadness that took over me when things went wrong, especially in my marriage.
it put me in a really ugly state. in each difficult situation, i was trying on my own to no avail. i was emotionally falling apart without Him.

my heart today still saddens from time to time when things happen, but i don't fall apart.
i stay together because He holds me together. i hold on to His hope that transends all understanding.
and while things don't always play out the way i wish they would, He still holds me, gives me overwhelming peace and that's where my truth is.
every hour i need God. every single hour. throughout my day, throughout my week, throughout my life.

in Him is where rest is at. and it's a beautiful rest indeed.

ps. thanks to all of you who entered the giveaway. i will be announcing the winner tomorrow!


Katie said...

*Absolutely* one of my favorite songs, too. It convicts me every single time I hear it! A wonderful way to start the week.


katie_shannon said...

LOVE this song!!!

Discovery Street said...

:( so sorry you're going through a rough time. praying you pull through quickly.

Susannah said...

That is a truly beautiful song! It definitely tugs at my heartstrings and draws me closer to the Lord!

Julianna Morlet said...

LOVE this song. I sing it to my baby girl every morning. Or at least I try to haha. Such powerful lyrics. Ps. Loved your little one's hair post :)

17 Perth said...

Oh how I love this song! Thank you for the great reminder!