a new dream on true beauty.

i have a secret love.

i'm in love with photography. everything about it. i can scroll through photographs for endless hours. in fact, if i visit, the first thing i will look at will be the photos in your home.
i know that might sound a little creepy, but i love the way a camera can capture moments and hold them for ages.
might be why i love, love instagram. i'm slightly addicted to that thing.

the other day, my sister who equally loves photography, asked that we go on a no notice, right then and there photo shoot.
and although i was tired from the workday, i obliged because that's what big sisters do, right?
but i'm glad i did.

looking through the photos, my passion for photography grew a little bit, who am i kidding, a lot more. and i got to wondering, how many more girls out there need their beauty captured to be able to see and understand how truly beautiful they are?

we women get so self critical of ourselves each time we're in front of a mirror. hardly ever do we truly see what others get to see. especially someone else through the lens of a camera. i tell you it's like looking through another world.
we are beautiful, all of us. we were created with such detail from the texture of our hair, to the freckles on our skin. and that needs to be celebrated!

for a while now, my sisters and i have been praying over a girls conference where we can drive this message into their hearts and have them know jesus as their first love.
well, this might be the first step.
i want to get out there with my camera, which isn't a professional one at all, yet capture the beauty of these girls, all while sending them the message of a Man that loves them beyond their imagination and sees them as His beautiful daughters.

i'm pretty excited yall for what this new baby dream may turn into.

i feel like if the Lord places a dream on our heart, it's meant to be pursued all for His glory.
i'm thinking hashtags, motivational cards, heck even a small magazine where these girls and their stories could be featured! dream big or go home, right?

there's so much work that can still be done to spread the word of God into this new generation and i can't wait to see what this will bring.

now, to start up a magazine...

what passions are you pursuing currently?


17 Perth said...

Holy cow LEAH! I LOVE this!! So inspirational and I agree completely. As women (and girls), we are so hyper critical and I love the vision He has given you!

17 Perth said...

p.s. I LOVE the photos of your sister! Adorable.

Kayla Peveler said...

What a gorgeous message. I LOVE that about photography, being able to capture so much raw emotion and beauty in just one little shot! You and your sister are both gorgeous!

Kayla Peveler said...

What a gorgeous message. I LOVE that about photography, being able to capture so much raw emotion and beauty in just one little shot! You and your sister are both gorgeous!

Discovery Street said...

how old is your sister? she looks like a teenager! and i'm with you...I wish i learned photography as a kid...because i'm in love with it now and feel like a total newbie.

Shannon Q. said...

I truly love you Leah! You have such a beautiful heart. Someone where I used to live did prophetic photography with woman where it was pretty clear the lord was working through her as she took the most beautiful pictures of woman...just as they were, bringing out all that God saw in them. I can totally see you doing something like this!

Susannah said...

What an important message to instill in women and girls! I can't wait to see where the Lord leads you with this dream!

Vett Vandiver said...

these photos are beautiful! I love photography too :)

The Olive Tree Blog said...

I LOVE PHOTOS!!! I starting doing photography for a while and building a business...i got into weddings and i took all the fun and passion out.so i stopped. i could look at photos all.day.long...hello hence my love of instagram :)