i meet with God in my car.

 (excuse the dirty mirror. i have kids that like to press their little fingers on my mirrors ALL the time.)

there was this trend i was noticing in me. i was forgetting to seek God.

my mornings are never slow. from the moment the alarm sounds, it's go, go, go. and even then there's never enough time.
the days i remembered (isn't that horrible) to get some quiet time with God in the mornings, it was always rushed. hardly ever fulfilling.
and in the evenings, it was one thing after another that pushed my quiet times further and further down the list.
enter an empy, overwhelmed, grumpy leah.

until one day, out of whim, i grabbed my bible on my way out the door. i was planning on getting some quick reading in at my desk before i started work. although i knew that with people around me, it wouldn't really be what i was looking for.
so at a stop light, i opened my bible and started to read the verse my eyes landed on.

'if you have faith, you will be given whatever you ask for.' matthew 21:22

a little bit of back story for you. my family and i have been praying over a specific area in our lives. sometimes it seems like the prayers don't get higher than the roof, and it can get frustrating.
He knew what was heavy in my heart and in that moment, before the light turned green, He reminded me. your prayer, the desires of your heart, as long as it pleases me, as long as it's for my glory, will be answered.

the rest of the drive to work, every song that came on had just the right words to encourage my weary heart. once i got to work, i was so filled and overwhelmed with peace.

i learned that when God says He will meet you wherever you are ready to meet Him, He will meet you wherever you are ready to meet Him. no lie.
each morning on my way to work, i have my little church service if you will. just me and Jesus.
should i get no red lights, i just make sure to crack open my bible at the parking lot and relish on the scripture my eyes land on.

it may sound rushed or not private enough for some, and believe me that's what my thoughts were about continuing to make my drive my meeting place with God. but He's just been so faithful in meeting with me, knowing that my heart truly needed His word early in the day.
let me tell you, it has truly done a difference in me. i'm more peppy, more positive in the mornings. annnnnd, i don't snark at those trying to cut me off on the road anymore.  thank goodness i've never had a 'JESUS SAVES' bumper sticker! ;)
now that's the love of God pouring out in me.

what about you? when do you usually have your quiet times?


Discovery Street said...

Most of the time my time with God is in fragmented moments throught the day ....but he hears.

NONSuperwoman said...

I love that God is gracious enough to meet us where we are...even if it's in the car. I used to beat myself up about not having time in the mornings and being too tired at night after dealing with 3 kids. Now I take a mid-morning break in my office at work. But I totally love your idea of a few quiet moments in the car.

The Olive Tree Blog said...

oh. this is good stuff. i got an answer to a prayer and then questioned it...yikes. i was like duh!!! you got an answer ...what more do you need.

love those quiet moments with god.