girl behind the blog.

so, today i am linking up with the girl behind the blog link up. 
wanna know what's been on my heart as of late?
click play chicas!

besides the funky video still youtube chooses, that was fun. 


 this weekend my hubby went out of town and the weekend seemed longer because of it. 
I hear every noise in the house when I'm alone with the kids and can't sleep and already being paranoid about everything doesn't help. kinda need a nap right now.
Anyway, although tired from the drive he packed us all in the car and headed out for dinner as soon as he got home to spend whatever was left of the weekend with us. little things like those have my heart smitten.
what about you? how was your weekend or what's going on with you lately?

Have a great week and happy Monday!

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Cassidy Robinson said...

Aww, you seem like such a sweetheart! :) Where are you from? I loooove your accent. And I loved hearing you share about the Lord. I can tell you have such a great passion for Him. Nice to "meet" you! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Welcome to our little vlogging linkup.. glad you finally got to it! Sorry you've had a rough mommy month. As the kids get older I'm sure its more and more difficult. I'm so thankful to know that, like you said, there are certain seasons and then those seasons CHANGE and their are new wonderful seasons! Glad you linked up

Hannah R. said...

Haha! The video still made me laugh.

I can really relate to you on this. I feel like God sometimes allows things to happen to mold us into better people.

Being a mom is the hardest - yet most rewarding - thing I've ever done. LP is only 2, but I feel like he is constantly testing me, and watching to see how I'll react to a certain situation. It's hard to keep calm sometimes. Especially when you tell them the same thing 10 times!

The hubs and I joke sometimes that we made it through last year, so we can make it through anything. But reality is, marriage is hard work. Being a parent is hard. But God never promised us it would be easy, and by His grace alone, we will make it through.

Have a great day, sweet friend!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

cute! haha i too sleep so bad when the hubs isn't home!! off to play blog reading catch up!

henning love said...

oh yes when my husband leaves for the night or weekend i hear every little noise in my house as do my dogs and then they bark and startle me and then i get all shaky and nervous and it is hard to go back to bed. that is why i have forbid my husband from ever leaving for an overnight trip ;-)

Kelly said...

you are so cute. i linked up once. i never sleep when my husband is gone. preteens...AHHHHH! sending prayers.

Ashley said...

I can only imagine how hard having a pre-teen is. Just know that you're doing a great job. It really is hard being a parent, isn't it? We just want what's best for them!

Amy said...

I love your top! And more importantly, I love your heart!! I absolutely can relate to having a heart for women. We really do go through soo much as women, and I just love how we can really lift each other up when we need it most.

Hope you had a wonderful Monday, girl! Hope the kiddos behaved for you :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Leah! So nice to meet you through Girl Behind the Blog!

You have such a beautiful heart- I am excited to get to know you better :) What part of Texas are you in? I'm in DFW!

Unknown said...

This was lovely and I really enjoyed it and your heart for God! It's funny your 6yo is the easiest and youngest, my 6yo is my oldest and hardest now :)

Nicole Renee said...

I loved your video, you are such a joy to me and your encouragement blows me away. Thanks for sharing more about yourself on video, your the sweetest!