The Good Wifey Rules. (vlog)

remember the series i've talked about a little here and there  that was going to take place on le blog here?
okay well, i took the plunge. i did a little video intro on it and i'm talking a little of what it's about and let me tell you, i thought being in front of the camera was going to be hard.
let's just say i recorded about four, maybe five times.
technical difficulties is an understatement. 
also towards the end, for some reason i thought it was necessary to say certain words twice. once would've sufficed. 
it was a lot of ugh! moments. but i'm over it and without further ado, my vlog debut.
(please go easy on this girl)
yay, for a sexy video still. geez. 

So in case i rambled too much and didn't make sense. The series will  be focused on us women and the role we have as wives. 
We all love our hubbys so much i'm sure, but we can all relate there are times when we want to strangle them...just kidding. no seriously, there are times when we don't quite know how to handle a certain situation or can be better, more influential, encouraging. i know, personally speaking, i have lots of room for that.
so... this will be a series that will touch on that and much more. 

starting the first week of february 2013.

i feel like i should have a button, fail on my part. but seriously this vlog thing, it drained my energy. 
let's just say webcams are not my good friends. 

have a great weekend! 


carissa said...

well this is a great idea! and you are totes cute!!

Martina said...

Can't wait to hear/see more about this series!!!!