for a minute.


more loaded than my to do list, are my pinterest boards. pin, pin, pin and never get around to doing it.
i came across the above quote a couple of days ago, exhaled, smiled, but forgot to pin.

last night making a quick run to the store for detergent, mumbling under my breath all the loads that needed to get done, i was tired.
chit chatted a bit with the cashier, and when i walked out a beautiful sunset stared me in the face.

i'm not exagerating when i say it took my breath away. the trees had a golden splendor that unfortunately my phone could not capture. in that moment i remembered the quote above and took it in for one minute. or five, i lost track of time in that moment.

life is amazing. my children are healthy, we have a warm home and warm beds to snuggle in, we have each other. we have God.
i need to get better at that. i get anxious too quickly, overwhelmed too soon, and for what. the list doesn't end, the chores are still there but at the end of the day my spirit is drained. i don't want to go to bed with my spirit drained anymore, trying to squeeze the last drop. i want to be renewed, revived, and lifted.
as the sun sets a lot earlier this time of year and the day seems to have only twelve hours, i will slow it down a bit and breathe it all in.

ps. i can't thank you all enough for how encouraging your words and prayers were with my son. he had a better day yesterday and had a reassuring attitude that he wasn't alone. you guys are such beautiful souls.

linking up with:

This Kind of Love
a punk, a pumpkin and a peanut


Shannon Q. said...

Don't you just loveee that when God sort of smacks you in the face with his beauty!? I know how you feel when you say it just took your breath away. I love breathing in those moments

Leah said...

yes shannon, i'm getting goosebumps even now thinking about it. beautiful reminders are all around us.

Anonymous said...

Glad to know your son is doing much better. We thank God for his life and his boldness in Christ. Sometimes, I take in moments like you described. I don't want to take picture because it won't do it any justice.

J and A said...

LOVE this!!!

Leah said...

thank you Funmi, i'm so happy he is feeling better. just have to keep reminding him he's not alone.

Leah said...

thank you! =)

MamaMonki said...

I need to post that all over my house and in my car. What a wonderful reminder.

Leah said...

isn't it? i loved it, it's so true too!

Ashley said...

A much needed reminder for me, especially as of late. Far too often I've let myself get so wound up over such petty things.

Thank you! :)

Leah said...

thank you pretty lady!

Leah said...

it came in so handy for me too Ashley. I think we all do that. thank you so much for reading!!

Helena said...

More of us really do need to count our blessings, that's for sure!