Hide and Seek Color

Painting my daughter's room has been a year overdue. Poor child. She was stuck looking at a wall half painted with a  poor choice of purple. 
During the week was impossible to get the feat completed and on Sundays, something always came up or laziness hit. More times the latter, but who's counting.

I bought the paint around March, hence the spring twig green, but hey I figured she's a little too young to be having her room decor revolve around the seasons. Right? Don't want to get that boat rocked too soon.
My wallet would definitely not be too happy.

So I spent yesterday morning painting. My arms hate me right about now. 
But her room looks so fresh and pretty. Plus we made quite a discovery my husband and I.

If you want to confirm that losing weight is necessary, play hide and seek with the kids.

I have to disappoint you in not having a picture, well because one: he would kill me, and two: I couldn't grab my camera fast enough from laughing so hard.

While I'm slaving over the painting, my kids and my husband are in the middle of a hide and seek game.
It's my husband's turn to hide. 

While the kids are getting closer to the sixty count mark, he rushes into my daughter's bedroom where I'm painting, desperately trying to find a hiding space.
That's where we received revelation.

He made a dash for under the bed, only to be stuck half way with his legs squirming in the open.

'Darn, I don't fit! That's messed up.'

Really? Quite shocking!

Funniest thing. ever.

Wishing you all a blessed week!!


l said...

When my husband and I moved into our house, my walls in my stairwell were half painted for over a year! I finally got it all painted and finished the upstairs in one weekend...I was so sore! Stopping by from the GFC hop! New follower!

Rosdiana said...

that is too funny! priceless moment right? love it. anyway, following you back. thanks for visiting! :)

Jessica said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower! And I'm really excited about it, too, because I'm loving your blog! This post is great--excellent dose of reality and comedy. Haha. And I love the paint! It's a great color!

I'd love if you followed back! You can find me at What's in a Name?