well hello there! taking a break from something always feels great doesn't it?
anyway. we're practically nearing the middle of summer already and here in texas we're almost nearing our fifth season: inferno.
i tell you the other day we went to the park, and i felt like my feet were on fire. the top of my feet, just in case someone is wondering why i would ever go to the park barefoot. ;)
even the kids begged to go back home after about forty five minutes. that's what texas heat will do to you. thank you sonic for happy hour, we've been cooling off with slushies and even last night made a late night run for some shakes. half price, can't beat half price.
so other than that, what have i been doing you ask? soaking in summer, that's what. part of me wishes i could tell you i've been on water rafting adventures, or climbing some mountain, but really i've been breathing in the air, spending more time with my kids, and counting my blessings.
some days don't go as planned, some days someone get a case of the crabbies, but nonetheless i've been enjoying these past few weeks with the people i love the most.

also, this space got a tiny make over and with it a name change might be coming as well. still debating it, but with my wishy washy self, it might not happen. eh.
anyway, what has your summer looked like so far?
LOVE Sonic. I haven't been all summer. I need to change that. For some reason Ohio has been raining like crazy but it looks like we've taken a turn towards inferno as well ;) good luck. Stay cool!
Absolutely LOVE your new look! And love the photo of your kiddos in the car--Ahh. Adorable. Glad you are continuing to soak it all in!
I have never had a Sonic drink.
There! The secret is out. Blasphemy, I know!
Colorado is also nearing Inferno. Obviously, we don't have that Texas humidity, but what we do have is altitude. And being closer to the sun makes you feel ... well ... closer to the sun.
Some days I feel like bacon. Extra crispy.
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