photo crush.

one thing about me that you should know is i'm a sucker for pictures.
if i come over one day, one sure way to entertain me is with photo albums. maybe i'm nosy, but i love looking at other's snippets of life through photography. and photography itself it's such an art i'm obsessed with and the possibilities are endless in capturing what seems like  ordinary and transforming it into something beautiful.
which is why instagram is my favorite social media to spend time on. these are some of my photo crushes as of late.

aren't all of these such pretty photos? and check out their feed, really you won't be disappointed. @mrskittymitch has a series on her sleeping babe and her loyal friend #adogandhisbaby. uh-doraaaable.

these ladies know how to manage the lighting, the angle, the backgrounds. this tells me one thing people. i need to take some photo101 class or something...cause well i want pretty pictures on my feed too! haha.

what are some of your instagram faves? and if i'm not following you, let me know!

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Brittany Kyte said...

Aw, I love the first one with the baby and the puppy laying on the bed! So precious!

Leah said...

Three of these are my favorites, too! :) I'm @leahcoats if you want to follow me! :)

katie_shannon said...

Come on over -- I have plenty of pictures to show you;)

henning love said...

ooh i just got instagram recently, finally upgraded to an iphone! i haven't heard of all of these bloggers thanks for sharing their photos are gorgeous

The Olive Tree Blog said...

i love instagram!!! but i missed place my haven't been able to find it anywhere!!!!!!!! whaaaaa

Susannah said...

What wonderful pictures! I love seeing into other's little moments. :-)

Jess said...

Seeing all the gorgeous photos is my favorite thing about reading blogs! Thanks for sharing :)

Some Snapshots Blog

Nicole Renee said...

I have photo crushes too! Photos just make me happy!

kyna... said...

I seriously swoon every time Katie posts a new picture in that series!!! Totally AMAZING!!!!!
♥ Kyna