around here.

in the last two weeks, i've written twice. and i don't mind it one bit.
actually last monday i made the decision to shut off social media for a week.

instagram was hard to shut off since i'm on that thing every day, all day. it's an obsession really, as i sometimes find myself mindlessly scrolling through my feed after i had just checked it five minutes before.
but i felt a tug on my heart to do so and honestly i'm glad i did.

i'll write more on why and what i learned and still learning while on my week off, but today i'll just share what we've been up to around here.

laundry and housework.
no, not kidding. my dryer was getting piled up with clothes that i had no desire to hang and/or fold. it was getting pretty ridiculous, so when i hung up every last shirt and folded every last sock. sigh. it was a nice feeling.

my youngest turned eight last friday. maybe it's a mom thing trying to hang on to the last bit of baby-ness, but i swear he still smells like a freshly bathed toddler, except when he comes back in from playing outside! ;)
this year, we kept celebrations low key. a cake baked by my mom, family time, and taking them to pick out a gift.

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i think this has been my favorite. i started a new series of paintings on motherhood, and i'm pretty pleased how they're turning out. i know i've said it before, but my happiest place is with a paint brush in my hand.

getting fed spiritually.
it's kind of crazy how far we can go starving without truly realizing it. being more conscious about spending time with the Lord made a huge difference. i began to follow the she reads truth bible study and i love being able to get His beautiful Word early in the morning to revive me.
also we've continued with our devotional every night, and i've loved sharing that with the kiddos.

that's pretty much what life has looked like around here.
what about you, what have you been up to lately?


Susannah said...

Your paintings are absolutely gorgeous!!! I'm so impressed!!!

Amy said...

Girl, I feel ya. I took a whole week off blogging last week, and it was GOOD. And hard. But mainly just needed.

LOVE your paintings! They are beautiful. Hope you're doing well, and can't wait to see more of your face in my IG feed. ;)

Kelsea said...

I've been wanting to do the same thing lately! Sometimes it just feels so nice to take a break and not worry about the blog for awhile. I feel much more present when I'm not constantly thinking about the blog or social media. Trying to find balance is tough! Glad you had some good moments!