weekend shenaningans. or lack there of.

this weekend was so laid back. i mean so, so laid back.
we didn't do absolutely anything that required packing, getting sunburned, going broke. yay, to that last one.
instead we just moseyed along the weekend, and waited around for monday.
sometimes, that kind of weekend is needed you know.
sunday morning, the kids woke up extremely early. like 7:30 am early.
i know some of you mommas of toddles and babies are rolling your eyes with your routine starting at 5 am every day, so i know, i know.
however the night before, my husband at 11 pm got hit in the head and announced we were going out to dinner.
i mean i was already in my pj's ready to start snoring.
i was about to start objecting with the kids being out so late, but i figured since it was not a school night, and i mean how often is something like this done?
we didn't get back home until 1:30 am.
my eyeballs were stinging from wanting to shut and rest. the kids were acting like it was noon.
where do they get this kind of energy??
anyway, back to where i was. they woke up at 7:30 am, so naturally i was only able to pull the covers over my head for so long before their tummies started growling.
that proverbs31 woman has me beat, i tell ya.
so i decided with my lack of sleep and grogginess we would make the most of it, we would have a pancake picnic.
we moved the table out of the way and sat on the floor.
but not without hissy fits and sibling arguing of course. apparently holding on to the syrup for more than five seconds is completely unacceptable. hogging the raisins is also frowned upon.
just a few tips to remember next time you're sitting a table with pancakes being served.
the rest of the afternoon, was filled with grocery shopping, which i managed to get through in an hour with three kids as the husband was working.
this week i will share some secrets i used to keep them from running around the store like hooligans.
so tell me, how was your weekend?
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linking up with:

life lately


Shannon Q. said...

I love those type of weekends, and t he latenight dinner sounds like an adventure! We did that once and it was super fun! My weekend was good, quick but good. Friend time on Saturday and relaxing on Sunday

Katie said...

I'll have to remember that pancake etiquette! ;)

The Olive Tree Blog said...

haha i am all about free! your weekend sounds so lovely!!

Susannah said...

I don't remember the last time I had a free, relaxing weekend. Yours sounds like a blast. And, honestly, I don't think I could stay awake to go out to dinner at 11! Good for you. ;-)