whilst in the kitchen.

i'll be the first to tell you i'm not the greatest subject to shoot photos of.
i'm incredibly ackward, and it's kind of funny actually. well to me, not the person taking the photos i'm sure.
so when the beautiful katie at hope engaged (this girl is seriously gorgeous), decided to host a photo shoot link up, i got excited.
not because i love being the subject being photographed, but because i enjoy creating little photo shoot ideas in my head.
i decided rather than going out into an open field and running while sunshine dripped on my shoulders, i would just be more comfortable in my zone.
at home.
i'm as hermit as they come yall.
but more specifically in my kitchen. that's really my zone of comfort.
not because i can throw down like bobby flay or something, but because that is where i create.
whether it be a nice fancied up plate or simple sandwiches, the kitchen is where i feel the most useful. i know that kind of sounds a little sexist if you will, but it truly is my zone.
i create with love for my family there. i use my hands to place a warm meal to warm their hearts and tummies.
 and while it may not be up to par with what i would like my kitchen to look like with a nice back splash, butcher top counter tops and beautiful white cabinets, when i'm done cooking, washing the dishes and putting everything away, i feel satisfied inside that my little kitchen and i provided a warm token of love for my little family.
what space in your home is your comfortable zone?
ps. if you didn't get to link up yesterday with amy and i for yesterday's that song that moment link up, you still can submit your posts. we'd love to read what songs have spoken to you!
xoxo, leah


Katie Cook said...

Leah! Um...first of all I ADORED this photo shoot! You are stunning, and it was SO fun to picture you my friend in your kitchen doing what you love best...cooking! You are beautiful, and i'm SOOOO glad you linked up!!! love Katie

Susannah said...

What a fun idea for your photoshoot! I love the Lord's creativity in you to think outside the box. :-)

Shannon Q. said...

Ohhh, what a cute idea! I'm sad I missed it...but tell me miss, how do you always look soo cute!?! You've got a great style and you always look great!

katie_shannon said...

I'm in my kitchen most of the time, I love it!

Such a cute photoshot Leah!