back to school they go.

 summer for these kids is officially over.
another year of homework, projects, lunch packing, after school snack is in full motion.
yesterday morning as i got ready to wake them to get ready, it hit me like a ton of brick my oldest in middle school now.
middle school.

he is entering a world where teachers no longer practically hold their hand to the next class or to lunch, where the social status is determined. where all the cliques sit together and as a newbie, walking into the lunch room is kind of like walking into a lion's den.
where he pretty much is on his own to get to class on time, make wise choices and be his own little man.
and i cried.
at the chance that he would grow up way too fast, in a faster paced environment with kids from different home settings influencing his innocent thoughts.
what if he's exposed to hip hop with graphic lyrics or talks of sex among his friends?
what if his pure mind that i've worked so hard at keeping that way, is corrupted in this new chapter of his life?
then the Lord reminded me: 'he is in my care. he is protected by me. all of them are. your daughter, your youngest. all in my care.'

oh how hard it is to remember that as a mom. we want to always hold their hand, always be right there. but knowing the Lord is much closer than i could ever be, is so reassuring. so peaceful.



the only thing i can do is encamp them with prayer. each day, each night lift each of them up in God's hands, under His wings. and He will do the rest.

and you know, for the first day, every thing went so smoothly. even lunch time for my oldest. all sixth graders go to lunch at the same time. win!

if you're a mom to a child in school, i pray that your children's school year goes smoothly. and if you're a mommy with a little one, use these years to smooch on them as much as possible. these years go by so, so fast.

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Unknown said...

Absolutely adorable! They look like the kids on the Target Back-to-School commercials (but cooler).

Susannah said...

They are precious! I hope they have an amazing year!