in my thirties.

the other day i took a moment to myself, to just kinda soak in the reality of what my life is today. sitting there i thought upon how people change, and i'm no exception. my wants, my thoughts, my dreams have changed and i just wonder how much more that will change when i hit 40. (you know just typing that number in didn't make me flinch a bit. i guess that's a good thing?)

it is said that the older the wiser. while i don't know that i would consider myself wise, i do see things differently now than in my 20's, and i thought i would share. here my friends are some of my pearls of wisdom.

in my thirties:

i realize that a quiet night at home is a precious and priceless gift not to be taken for granted. soak in the silence. it may take another full moon before you get one again.

i realize that owning the newest brand name purse is not more important than saving money and paying bills on time. as cute as the purse is, not listening to 'Al' harassing you over the phone threatening to take your first born makes up for it.

i realize that the shorter the skirt or the tighter the pants does not make the outfit sexier. modesty can be sexy.

i realize that having an intimate group of reliable, loving and supporting friends beats having a large group of phony ones that love stirring up drama and making difficult.
i realize that trying hard to fit in by being someone else that you are not is exhausting and boring. being yourself is so much better and so much more fun.

yes, i used the same graphic in the same week. i like it that much.

i realize that gravity is real and the mirror will shout it out in your face. lunges and squats become your best friends around this stage in life.

i realize that every second of sleep i can get must be taken advantage of, the next night might be one with three kids throwing up and running a fever.

i realize that if the grass looks greener on the other side, it may just be where i'm standing. things are not always what they seem. focusing on my own grass will get it greener and fresher. (i'm talking about marriage here! in case that was too vague)

i realize that holding my tongue even though i'm itching to tell someone to go....ummm take a nap (that's the nice version), is so, so difficult but always makes me feel good about myself and does my spirit good.

i realize that my crow's feet are like the charming creaking floors in an old house. it has history and a story to tell.

in my thirties, i realize that establishing a strong relationship with God early on in your youth is having a faithful friend that never, ever lets you down. comes in handy with the stresses of this beautiful life. 

what pearls of wisdom have you gained?

linking up here:

Apples of Gold


Anonymous said...

Yes it does, I am only 23 and I can say that having a relationship with God when we are young is vital. But for people who find God when they are older; thats fine too, God was always there all along!

I pray to never let Him go!

Shannon Q. said...

ohhh I love this. What great reflections and I can't agree more. Do you have a birthday coming up?

Leah said...

Thanks girl.

Leah said...

Yes ma'am. He is always there, waiting for us to turn to Him for our every need and to love on us a Hischildren. A love so great.

Leah said...

No birthday coming up, just contemplating on life that's all. :)